Championnat de Nigéria saison 76

Forum: Forum du championnat rss-feed

Discutez de votre championnat, qui sont les favoris pour remporter le championnat cette saison ? Qui sera promu/relégué, comment se passe votre parcours en coupe ?

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Doubt, discuss and exchange (4)

ng 手术刀 >> lundi avril 29 - 02:49
Hi,All players in the Nigerian league, we can exchange the game here, efforts to improve the ranking and win the game in the Champions League, to improve Nigeria league ranked in the continental competition, strive for more places in continental competition.
ng 手术刀
ng z >> lundi mai 27 - 04:07
Well said cheers 2 all will strive 2 bring top notch play.
ng z
ng 手术刀 >> lundi mai 27 - 06:45, Modifié lundi mai 27 - 06:49
Welcome to Nigeria forum

Still looking for more players to join the Nigerian league
ng 手术刀
ng Essien James >> samedi décembre 21 - 18:53
How i wish i was in dis league and fight 4 Champion league spot, can wait to join top league. Am just calm about it. I will be here one day i trust my playerz.
ng Essien James