Лига Шотландия Сезон 8 [2]

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i hope when the next national team elections happen thers a vip player within scotland we need a nat (3)

sco Scotland1983 >> Воскресенье Апрель 28 - 15:26
we need one to be a respectable nation in this in the future international contests i would support someone if they could become vip anyway i would do it except my only trusted ways of paying for things which is debit card or cash if someone can step up and manage scotland i would be behind them instead of us having a computer boss how does everyone else feel about this:(
sco Scotland1983
sm FC Murata #13
cu ivan >> Вторник Апрель 30 - 09:14
To this day, I am not prepared to take the national team. I can not afford the player Vip me. I am sorry that our national team has no manager and has to be managed by a bot manager. Greetings fellow. Sorry for my bad English. I am Spanish and my English language skills are very poor.
cu ivan
sco CHUKY >> Вторник Ноябрь 26 - 18:36
CHUKY for president XDDDD

I will try to take the national team ;B