Лига Соединённые Штаты Сезон 63

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Summary of Season (91)

us cdowne >> Среда Февраль 3 - 16:34, Отредактирован Среда Февраль 3 - 16:35
Hello all,
John Deatrick asks and receives.

League facility summery. This includes the 20 teams in the first division.
We have a lot of big builds currently happening. Four folks are improving their Training center. 5 new stadiums and 5 new youth centers are being built. All of these big builds are improving to level 9 or 10.

Level 9: 2
Level 8: 10 (4 new from last season)
7: 6
6: 2
Average: 7.6
Four teams are Currently Building Stadium 9, I have 30 days before I'm done with level 9. One is building level 10

level 10: 14
9: 4
8: 2
Average: 9.6
Two Teams are building Training 9 and 10 each. There will be nothing below training 9 after these builds are done.

Youth Center:
Level 10: 5, Three new
9: 11
8: 3
7: 1
Average: 9
4 teams currently working on Youth 10, one on Youth 9

Level 9: 1
8: 10
7: 6
6: 1
5: 1
4: 1
Average: 7.3
the person with level 5 is working towards level 6 fanshop.

Level 8: 3
level 7: 5
6: 6
5: 3
4: 3
Average: 6.1
One person working on Catering 8

Health Center:
Level 8: 4 Teams
7: 11
6: 4
5: 1
Average 6.9

Scout Office:
Level 10: 4 teams
9: 2
7: 4
6: 2
5: 5
4: 1
3: 1
2: 1
Average: 6.6

Level 8: 1
6: 7
5: 3
4: 6
3: 3
Average: 6.6
We currently have someone working on levels 5, 6 and 7

level 15: 1 Level 16 is currently being built
Level 13: 1
2: 3
1: 10
0: 5
Average: 2.2 Still 5 teams without a museum (I'm one of them).
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us Mercuric >> Пятница Февраль 5 - 19:01
My Training Complex will be level 10 in 2 days, so it's almost done. I'll be upgrading my Stadium at that point.
us Mercuric
us John Deatrick >> Пятница Февраль 5 - 19:37
Stadium 9 just started for me.

Fanshop 9 > Catering 7 > Office 7 > Stadium 10 are the next few I plan to upgrade.
us John Deatrick
us Ulysses >> Суббота Февраль 6 - 00:47
I plan to continue upgrading my museum until I can upgrade my stadium to level 10.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us cdowne >> Пятница Март 25 - 18:49
League facility summery. This includes the 20 teams in the first division. Welcome Mike and Jack
Lots of new stadiums going up.

Level 9: 4 (two new, one of which is mine. It was completed after I was bounced from international competition and had already played all of the 2 million+ popularity teams, So I'm looking forward to some big crowds).
Level 8: 8
7: 6
6: 2
Average: 7.7
2 teams buildings level 10 currently, 2 building level 9, 2 building level 8, 1 building level 7

level 10: 14
9: 6
Average: 9.7
We have 1 team building Training 10

Youth Center:
Level 10: 8, Three new
9: 7
8: 4
7: 1
Average: 9.1
2 teams currently working on Youth 10, one on Youth 9. I'm going to start Youth 10 in 10 days.

Level 9: 3
8: 8
7: 6
6: 2
4: 1
Average: 7.5

Level 8: 4
level 7: 5
6: 6
5: 2
4: 3
Average: 6.3

Health Center:
Level 8: 4 Teams
7: 10
6: 5
5: 1
Average 6.9

Scout Office:
Level 10: 3 teams
9: 2
7: 6
6: 2
5: 6
2: 1
Average: 6.7

Level 8: 1
7: 1
6: 7
5: 3
4: 6
3: 2
Average: 5.1
We currently have someone working on levels 8, 7, 6 and two people building Office 5

level 19: 1
Level 13: 1
3: 2
2: 3
1: 7
0: 6
Average: 2.6
6 teams without a museum (I'm one of them).
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us Mike >> Пятница Март 25 - 21:13
Thanks for compiling Chris. Glad to be in League 1 for a cup of coffee. I'm certainly bringing facility averages down almost across the board. That said, I will put my best foot forward this season, but fully expect to get crushed.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us cdowne >> Понедельник Май 16 - 18:43
League facility summery. This includes the 20 teams in the first division. Welcome Robin and Andy

Last season the US got it's first stadium 10.
Level 10: 1
Level 9: 5
Level 8: 8
7: 6
Average: 8.1
2 teams buildings level 8 currently
1 building level 9
1 building level 10

level 10: 16
9: 4
Average: 9.8
We have 1 team building Training 10

Youth Center:
Level 10: 10, two new
9: 6
8: 3
7: 1
Average: 9.3
1 team currently working on Youth 10...Sidney Town

Level 9: 5
8: 8
7: 6
6: 1
Average: 7.9

Level 8: 4
level 7: 5
6: 6
5: 2
4: 3
Average: 6.3

Health Center:
Level 8: 5 Teams
7: 11
6: 4
Average 7.1
2 folks upgrading their health center to 7 and 8 respectively.

Scout Office:
Level 10: 4 teams, one new team capable of the 1000 credit player
9: 1
8: 1
7: 6
6: 2
5: 5
2: 1
Average: 6.9

Level 8: 2
7: 1
6: 8
5: 7
4: 2
Average: 5.7
We currently have both office 4s improving to 5s
3 people working on 6
3 people building 7
one office 8 improving to 9

level 19: 1
Level 13: 1
7: 1
5: 1
4: 1
3: 1
2: 2
1: 4
0: 8
Average: 3
8 teams without a museum (I'm one of them).
The one Museum 4 is being upgraded to 5
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us Mercuric >> Суббота Июль 9 - 18:19
I wonder what the league summary will look like. Do you plan on updating, cdowne?
us Mercuric
us cdowne >> Суббота Июль 9 - 18:55
I will update. It may be next week, though.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us cdowne >> Понедельник Июль 18 - 14:46
League facility summery. This includes the 20 teams in the first division. Welcome Peter, Danny and welcome back Nick.

Level 10: 2
Level 9: 5
Level 8: 8
7: 4
6: 1
Average: 8.2
currently 1 level 9 being built. It sounds like a few folks are saving for Stadium level 10. I'm one of them, though I'm not doing a great job.

level 10: 15
9: 4
8: 1
Average: 9.7
We have 1 team building Training 10

Youth Center:
Level 10: 10
9: 5
8: 3
7: 1
5: 1
Average: 9.1
We have a Youth 8 and Youth 9 currently being built

Level 10: 1
Level 9: 5
8: 8
7: 3
6: 3
Average: 7.9

Level 9: 2
Level 8: 6
level 7: 6
6: 2
5: 2
4: 1
2: 1
Average: 6.8
1 team building catering 9
A lot of improvement here after Vincent's announced changes.

Health Center:
Level 8: 6 Teams
7: 9
6: 4
5: 1
Average 7.0
I'm currently building Health level 8

Scout Office:
Level 10: 4 teams
9: 2 (I so badly want to build level 10, but sadly it is not a top priority)
8: 3
7: 2
6: 5
5: 3
2: 1
Average: 7.2
We have a Scout 9 going up

Level 9: 1
Level 8: 1
7: 5 (4 new)
6: 8
5: 3
4: 1
3: 1
Average: 6.1
We have a level 7 and 8 being built

level 19: 1
Level 17: 1
13: 1
8: 1
7: 1
4: 1
2: 3
1: 4
0: 7
Average: 3.9
7 teams without a museum (I'm one of them).
The one Museum 7 is getting an upgrade, as is the level 17.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us cdowne >> Вторник Август 30 - 14:51
League facility summery. This includes the 20 teams in the first division. Welcome Robin, welcome back T.

Level 10: 2
Level 9: 5
Level 8: 9
7: 4
Average: 8.3
2 Stadium 10 being built, 3 Stadium 9s and 1 Stadium 8. I am saving for level 10, I need about $30million and hoping to get most of that this transfer market. Lots of new stadiums.

level 10: 16
9: 3
8: 1
Average: 9.8
We have 2 teams building Training 10

Youth Center:
Level 10: 11
9: 5
8: 3
6: 1
Average: 9.3
We have a Youth 10, Youth 9 and Youth 7 currently being built

Level 10: 1
Level 9: 6
8: 8
7: 3
6: 2
Average: 8.1
One fanshop 10 being built

Level 10: 1
Level 9: 3
Level 8: 5
level 7: 6
6: 3
5: 1
3: 1
Average: 7.3
1 team building catering 8
A lot of improvement here after Vincent's announced changes.

Health Center:
Level 8: 8 Teams
7: 9
6: 3
Average 7.3

Scout Office:
Level 10: 4 teams
9: 3 (I so badly want to build level 10, but sadly it is not a top priority)
8: 2
7: 3
6: 5
5: 2
3: 1
Average: 7.4
We have a Scout 7 and scout 4 going up

Level 9: 1
Level 8: 2
7: 7
6: 7
5: 2
3: 1
Average: 6.5
An office 8 going up. After a couple seasons of furious office upgrades, the building has plateaued a bit.

level 19: 1
Level 18: 1
15: 1
13: 1
10: 1
8: 1
3: 1
2: 2
1: 5
0: 6
Average: 4.8
6 teams without a museum. I'm one of them, but I am caving and finally building a museum. We are also seeing a level 16 going up.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us Mercuric >> Среда Август 31 - 15:19
I should have built up my Youth Center a long time ago! The difference between level 7 and level 8 is huge, and it only goes up from there.
us Mercuric
us Peter >> Среда Август 31 - 20:26
I have level 0 museum, level 3 Office, 5 Scout's Office, 6 Health Center, 3 Catering, 8 TC, and 7 Stadium. I'm at the bottom of all the facilities except for the Scout's Office. I'm a shame to league 1 and I push all the averages down :D
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us John Deatrick >> Четверг Сентябрь 1 - 01:48
You'll get there. Just means you are outperforming.
us John Deatrick
us cdowne >> Четверг Октябрь 20 - 20:21
League facility summery. This includes the 20 teams in the first division. Welcome back Slegek.
We have a lot of big builds right now. Of the 15 construction projects currently happening 13 are stadium, TC or YC. 7 of those are stadiums. After a couple of seasons of many office and catering improvements, we only have one each of those facility improvements happening.

Level 10: 2
Level 9: 8 (+3 last season)
Level 8: 7
7: 3
Average: 8.5
Lots of new stadiums currently being built. 5 Teams (including me) have stadium 10s going up. One team currently building Stadium 11. 2 Teams building Stadium 9. I will be done with my new stadium on Christmas Eve. So, I will sit and wait all season for my team's new home.

level 10: 17 (+1)
9: 2
8: 1
Average: 9.8
2 of the 3 teams who can improve their Training Center are doing just that. 1 TC 10 and 1 TC 9 are being built

Youth Center:
Level 10: 11
9: 6 (+1)
8: 2
7: 1 (+1)
Average: 9.4
One team working on Youth 10 currently.

Level 10: 2 (one new last season)
Level 9: 8 (+2 from last season)
8: 6
7: 2
6: 2
Average: 8.3

Level 10: 2 (+1)
Level 9: 3
Level 8: 5
level 7: 5
6: 4
3: 1
Average: 7.5
1 team building catering 7
After a flurry of activity, not much change this season.

Health Center:
Level 8: 10 Teams (+2)
7: 7
6: 3
Average 7.4

Scout Office:
Level 10: 4 teams
9: 4 (+1) (I so badly want to build level 10, but sadly it is not a top priority)
8: 1
7: 4 (+1)
6: 3
5: 3
4: 1
Average: 7.5

Level 9: 1
Level 8: 3 (+1)
7: 6
6: 7
5: 2
3: 1
Average: 6.5
Not much change here this year. Currently one Office 7 being built

level 19: 1
Level 18: 1
13: 1
10: 1
8: 1
5: 1
3: 1
2: 3
1: 5
0: 5
Average: 4.4
5 teams still without a museum.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC