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To je forum o splošnem pogovoru v jeziku Angleščina. Ko objavljaš v ta forum moraš uporabljati ta jezik. Objave v drugih jezikih so lahko odstranjene brez opozorila. Ta forum vsebuje podrubrike za objave z drugačno tematiko ali namenom. Prosimo objavi napake v rubriko, ki je temu namenjena, obenem pa si vzemi čas in ugotovi kam spadajo katere objave.

Angleščina >> Splošen pogovor

Tutorial - The number of special attributes my main squad have. (3)

ng Glowstar >> sobota maj 6 - 18:19

I have counted so many ways, how many special attributes my main squad have. But tutorial always say I wrong. I fed up. 

It's not like I'm a newbie, I've been a manager before. And this simple question is driving me crazy. Pls help.

ng Glowstar
ee onuelver >> ponedeljek julij 10 - 12:53

It's not actually important how much them is overall but they must be on right players. Some attributes on wrong player may do bad. 

For counting click Players on left and then tab Fixed features. I counted them 30 overall. If it's wrong then start to reduce it by one. Got it done?

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back