Forum: Anglais rss-feed

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Anglais >> Questions

Friendly cost (4)

eng Grumpy >> dimanche juin 16 - 19:25
I am quite new to the game but couldn't find anything about the cost of a friendly?

Can somebody tell me what this cost is?

I only ask because I saw that it said you need credits to play, but I wasn't sure how many, and I just played one and I think it took 12 credits from me, which seems like an awful lot.

eng Grumpy
nl Balladeer >> dimanche juin 16 - 20:19
It takes 1 friendly credit. If you go to my matches - frienly it shows this sentence:

You need to have credits to play friendly matches. Regular players can play 0.5 friendly matches per day. VIP players can play 1 friendly matches per day. You now have X credits.

Where the X is the number of friendly credits you have will show up. It has nothing to do with the credits you use for bidding on players etc.
nl Balladeer
eng Grumpy >> dimanche juin 16 - 20:26
Ah, thanks for the info. Silly me, again! :P
eng Grumpy
nl Balladeer >> dimanche juin 16 - 20:30
Ah well, you'll get used to all the not-immediatly-clear stuff after hanging around for a while :)
nl Balladeer