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Angleščina >> Predlogi

Restart the old inactive leagues (4)

hr Kloks >> torek december 3 - 15:06

Is there a possibility to restart the inactive leagues with no human managers like the 4. Croatian league?

Or this is going automatically?

hr Kloks
il Numpty >> torek december 3 - 15:45

This league runs automatically without any managers. 

As you've just started you could easily leave and choose one of the teams to manage.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kloks >> torek december 3 - 16:01, Spremenjen torek december 3 - 16:01

I see, no no Gibraltar is fine, maybe one day for second club! xD

hr Kloks
il Numpty >> torek december 3 - 16:12

If you look around the different leagues you will find that most of the clubs in the lower divisions are managed by bots.  

As you work your way up then you will be competing against more real managers.

Best wishes with building your team. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets