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Angleščina >> Predlogi

Team spirit (30)

uy Awful >> ponedeljek marec 11 - 21:42, Spremenjen ponedeljek marec 11 - 21:45

hello, we need new game features  and updates ..

team spirit is my newest idea  worth telling about

low team spirit gives negative effect, positive nice boost..

affected by many conditions - squad language, time lineup play together, winnings, losings , stadium attendance , any other things you can suggest..


uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
pt Sir Alex >> ponedeljek marec 11 - 21:47

If this is not more random i support but it will have to be something very well developed.
More random no!

pt Sir Alex
uy Awful >> ponedeljek marec 11 - 21:50

random is when 2 bot teams play

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
uy Awful >> ponedeljek marec 11 - 22:01

but thanks for support ... i belive its rlly a great idea , like you said- if well developed

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
pt Sir Alex >> ponedeljek marec 11 - 22:05

Ye it is great and to be honest we really need some news but well developed and no more random.

pt Sir Alex
il Numpty >> torek marec 12 - 15:52, Spremenjen torek marec 12 - 15:56

In reality all players act as individuals, so I would suggest having another player attribute which affects their match performances.

I would call it Morale.

Each player's morale rises and falls, depending on various factors, such as:

  • if they are playing regularly 
  • injuries, cards, suspensions
  • goals scored, assists
  • national selection
  • good results against better teams (measured by squad average, league position or popularity)
  • poor results against worse teams
  • cup performances
  • language and nationality of other players in squad (similar to transfers)

(I would probably exclude age because of the existing youth bonus.)

So this idea could also factor in other suggestions regarding languages and those wanting a bonus for having a team full of domestic players. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
uy Awful >> torek marec 12 - 18:43

you have many nice ideas Numpty, but also in real football, teams may struggle when old teammates are replaced by new guys, when players came and go ,language also , if few people dont understand anything most guys talk .

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
ee Balthazor >> torek marec 12 - 19:37

I still believe, that there is some hidden attribute like form or morale already laughingalthough Vincent himself has denied it. In 10-team leagues you meet same complect of opponents on both halves in same order, but sometimes points from them differ drastically like my previous season: 29 points from first half and only 16 points from second half, having only sold one player from reserve team. Same way can differ some players' performances like scoring 20+ goals on first half of season and only 5 on second half etc. You have some good and some bad periods in season and it's not connected with having series of matches against weaker or stronger opponents. And that hidden parameter should stay hidden to have more exciting and unpredictable seasons.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
pt Sir Alex >> torek marec 12 - 21:10, Spremenjen torek marec 12 - 21:11

Hidden things in the real football has a name, corruption. We don´t need corruption here.

pt Sir Alex
nl Joost >> torek marec 12 - 21:25

The best game ever had a system about form: On The Ball. 

nl Joost
pt Sir Alex >> torek marec 12 - 21:44

The best game ever is RS... no he don´t have this Joost.

pt Sir Alex
nl Joost >> torek marec 12 - 23:09

Sir Alex there might be a chance that I made a joke...

nl Joost
us Joey >> sobota marec 16 - 06:56

@Sir Alex

"Hidden things in the real football has a name, corruption. We don´t need corruption here."

I don't understand what this is referring to at all. Are you somehow equating the concept of a form or morale attribute with corruption?

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
il Numpty >> sobota marec 16 - 07:17

Joey, I guess that's the difference between having low morale and low morals! tongue-out

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
pt Sir Alex >> sobota marec 16 - 09:28, Spremenjen sobota marec 16 - 09:30

I just say we don´t need (more) hidden things here. This suggestion is good but we don´t need she is hidden because she can be understand as more random, and yes hiden things in the real football is corruption.

Better we have clear things.

pt Sir Alex