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Angleščina >> Splošen pogovor

Bloody Hell Transfer mechanism (27)

cn 桑特拉奇 >> sobota junij 15 - 12:58
I think most of people here don't really like the current transfer settings.

No matter if your are the first initializing person,
No matter if you have yes for all four sections (Country, Language, Age, Value),
No matter how much money you put in,
No matter how high win chance you got
When the final result comes to you, it is always out of your expectation and people will call it LUCK.

Over the past couple of days, I saw people with only 5% win chance successfully stole players from people with over 70% win chance. However, the most important thing is do your guys know how hard work we do to find a good player in hundreds of BOT teams?

1) We search country -> league -> team with alphabetic order. We take hours staring at our computer screen to view each team/player page. Finally, we find a very nice player and mark him.

2) When transfer day comes, we need negotiate with BOT team a number of times to let them put this player on the market. We might receive more than 10 reject emails but we never give up. The BOT team eventually agrees to put the guy on the market. Hooray!

3) Now the real nightmare comes to you. Other people quick appear and bid this player. And because the result has nothing to do with win chance, We found the guy (took 2 hours for us to find him) successfully transferred to another team.

This is the whole story. People who work hard in this game are just working for those slackers. Those guys just have a look at transfer market, click mouse and done the job.

Could we do sth to protect all dedicated people in this game or just let this happens again and again?
cn 桑特拉奇
sco Arno Wiersma >> sobota junij 15 - 13:25, Spremenjen sobota junij 15 - 13:29
I agree partially. When you initiate the bid (get the bot to release his player) you will always be considered the highest bidder. That is a huge advantage; you don't have to place any higher bids during that bidding round. So if you get the player, you will always pay the lowest price. But you can still lose the bid if someone else has more options on yes, or has more luck.

I would however like a system where you can negiotiate directly for a transfer, without the player being out on the market. This has been deemded to risky; it might be abused.
Perhaps it could be done with botteams. For instance: you could use the system now in use; or you could opt for requesting a direct transfer. In the latter case I would suggest raising the transfer fee with (for instance) 50%.
sco Arno Wiersma
at schorny >> sobota junij 15 - 13:41
I really like the transfer system. I think the random element makes it very fair.
at schorny
sg FlameTermite >> sobota junij 15 - 14:56, Spremenjen sobota junij 15 - 16:34
@Roger -

Firstly, relax. Luck is a factor that unlucky people will hate, sometimes with the favorable odds I loses too. But get over with it and hope 'luck' will find you. Its like a 32 sided die, the chances of a certain number to come out for you to guess is difficult but a number will still come out. Example, you think the chances to roll 1 is small from the 32 sided die, but still it may occur.

Secondly, buying the good players from bot team is not that 'nice' in the first place. Its like snatching a relic from a person that can't make the right decision. Of course the time consumed is the consequences for 'snatching' the good players from the bot teams.

Thirdly, the people who gambled with the 5% chance as you said have its own problems. First, in order to get a certain position of player he needs, he have to bet on multiple players, this require a huge cash flow in order to bet multiple players at once. Secondly, due to the multiple betting method, they also consume a lot of credits. Thirdly, the chance of winning a 50% is higher than 10 5%. Fourthly, the people that bet multiple players got a higher chance to live without their 1st choice player. For example there is 1 player that he wants very much above 9 others. High likely if he win 1 of them, the chances of getting his first choice is low.
sg FlameTermite
lt edvis >> sobota junij 15 - 16:31
i very like current system
lt edvis
at StormZ >> sobota junij 15 - 18:31
I like current system aswell,but there is always a room for improvement :) I got some suggestions in mind
at StormZ
us Ulysses >> sobota junij 15 - 18:59
I also like the current system.

Basically, there is a disincentive to search for players from botteams. I obtained some incredible bargains using this strategy during the first season, but at this point, I think it's better to just skim through the transfer lists. You can still build a much better team by searching the botteams, saving enough money and credits, and making enough bids, but there are diminishing marginal returns.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
ua Garfman >> sobota junij 15 - 19:01
The current system has it up and down sides. I've seen both sides of the dice, losing one where I had 64% chance and winning one where I had 5% chance. Any system will have it's supporters and opposition, that's how it will always be. I personally don't love the luck-factor involved, but it does seem like the best possible compromise.
ua Garfman
Glavni administrator skupnosti
ph Garfman FC
hr Bruno >> nedelja junij 16 - 08:55
i agree pretty much with roger.. you search nations for couple of hours and after you finnaly find guy.. owner puts him to transfer list.. but WHAT IF YOU FIND A GUY IN SOME NOT POPULAR NATIONS AND LEAGUES.. and simply.. it doesn't show that player to other guys..
could it be something more difficult for them?
if you spent couple of hours searching for just one possibly good player, could it be harder to find for someone who just clicked od transfer list button?

how can you know what player is being bought from eritrean league or gabon league?
i don't know if you understand me completely, but the situation is like, some rich manager go to some relatively unknown country, as i took as an example gabon, or maybe cosovo or mauritius.. you know what i mean.. and after that manager came to those countries and start searching for players, young stars or just a regular 25-26 years old player, and he start to make a deal with the guys from that club where he found player and just makes few offers.. and they accept.. and after that no one knew that player was bought..

so situation like that..
i don't think i'm right about this.. i just want to hear other opinions.. :)
hr Bruno
sg FlameTermite >> nedelja junij 16 - 09:28

I got your point of view. But if the person that starts the bid on a bot team will sure get the player, its worst. The rich will get all the good players. You searched and bid for 1 player with the money you have, he search and bid 4. Wouldn't this further increase the rich? (by using the players to win and triumph)

Using a case study of soccer manager, another online soccer manager game (and yes the name is soccer manager), the person that bid on a player with bot team will sure get it. What happened is everyone goes in, buy all the good players during 1st season. (reason why I never continue that game)

This does not mean I am one of the players that goes for 5% bids, I'm just looking at the chances of the outcome if the game rule is changed.
sg FlameTermite
pt Sir Alex >> nedelja junij 16 - 09:37, Spremenjen nedelja junij 16 - 09:39
I like this system but partly agree with the opinion of roger.
I think we could just change the odds and make the worst proposals to have a very low chance of winning.
I understand that the player can go to the 2nd or 3rd best proposal, but go to one of the worst proposals must be very rare.
pt Sir Alex
tw 小冠 >> nedelja junij 16 - 10:29

I agree with you.

@Sir Alex

I think : don't change the odds, keep what we have now is good.

Otherwise, people would wait for the last minute and put their big money to get players.
tw 小冠
hr Bruno >> nedelja junij 16 - 12:24

yeah.. you're right.. this way is much better.. i never thought about it that way.. :)
hr Bruno
nl Corniel >> nedelja junij 16 - 12:44
I don't buy that much players. The best players are not for sale, but kept by there teams. As I only sale players that are not good enough (anymore) for my squad.

I like the transfer mechanism, although I'm not that charmed with the initial bid thing. I would never use terms like 'Bloody Hell' dough. I think it is not fair to makers of the game, and would more reflect on personal frustration than a good understanding of the mechanism...
nl Corniel
au Mr Legs >> nedelja junij 16 - 15:30
I like the transfer system, it goes in swings & roundabouts (what you win on the swings you lose on the roundabouts). Some transfer periods you come out ahead of the odds & some behind. Last transfer period sucked for me, only scored a few players, but probably spent 50 credits bidding. This transfer period I have been luckier, probably winning about half the players I have bid on. I did lose one at 56%, but then won one at 13% on the same day - with the 13% one being the one I really wanted.

But the system itself is very fair & gives everyone a chance to win a player they target. You can see the odds once you bid & can see what sort of chance you have. To increase the odds, you know what factors you have to improve in.

You can also increase your chance by picking less watched markets. For instance the players in Australia go fairly cheaply compared to some more popular markets. Often good players go with only 2 or 3 bids, where similar players in Europe or China will go thru several rounds. But then again there aren't as many players being traded on these markets either.

Also, I haven't been trawling the bots much anymore - seems the quality of players available from the bots is lower than what other managers are putting on the market. So I saved myself some time from endless clicking trying to snare that elusive gem this time around.
au Mr Legs