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Angleščina >> Vprašanja

Transfer win chance (25)

eng pepsy11 >> nedelja junij 16 - 22:01
I have speculated a lot about how the win chance for a transfer is being calculated, and now i have to ask.
I am currently bidding on a player, which also has 3 other bids. I only have 5% win chance, which seems okay, since i don't have a lot of yes's.
But the other teams look like this:
x1 ? No No Yes Yes 37%
x2 ? No No No Yes 32%
x3 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 26%

Why does x3 have 26%, when it has way more yes's? Earlier i thought that it had something to do with a clubs popularity, but i have seen that popularity have extremely little, if any, impact. Then i experimented with transfer price. I placed a bid and had a 25% win chance, and used another credit to increse that bid to the highest i could, the win chance didn't change.
Can anyone tell me more about this?
eng pepsy11
at schorny >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 06:11
x1 and x2 are having the highest bid
at schorny
nl Danh >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 07:35, Spremenjen ponedeljek junij 17 - 09:51
well the 26% can still win and with me they always win even when I get 60 to 40% the 40% wins I even initiated the transfer and lose :(
Now I dont have the player I really wanted cause of this system.

I am just frustrated about it but the system is a good way to go just improve it a bit.
nl Danh
ua Garfman >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 09:15
It can be frustrating at times, I know....I didn't get a player with over 60% chance and I DID get one where I only had 5% chance. For me personally I don't love the system, though I also cannot see a better alternative. Nowadays I just bid for the players I want to bid for, and if I don't get them, so be it. Just don't raise your hopes to highly, and you'll be fine :-)
ua Garfman
Glavni administrator skupnosti
ph Garfman FC
nl Danh >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 09:51
I understand Garfman and I will look at it this way also from now on ;)
I do got some ideas to add to this trade system
Maybe when U have a player from same youthcenter as the one you want to buy you got a higher chance?
Or when buying an NT player having a NT player of the same NT also gives u a higher chance?
Just ideas.
This makes competition a lot harder in my opinion and more realistic cause of personal relations of the player to decide where to play.
nl Danh
eng pepsy11 >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 11:12, Spremenjen ponedeljek junij 17 - 11:14
Schorny: if you read what i wrote, then you would know that it isint the value of the bid
Garfman and Danh: this thread was not for duscussing the system and whether you like it, but trying to understand the system.
eng pepsy11
nl Danh >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 11:25
@Mikkel my apolagies,

I think the higher ur bid the more chance u get and the other three have smaller effect.
nl Danh
hr v >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 11:53

I can't follow you unless you give us all data.

If i understand correctly there were 4 people involved:

x1, x2, x3, and you as x4. First question why didn't you show us your yes's and no's? Second question could you be more specific about bid values? Third when you placed your new bid what were other percentages?

hr v
eng pepsy11 >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 12:25, Spremenjen ponedeljek junij 17 - 12:26
v: I didn't show myself in this case as it didn't have any say. With me it looked like this:
x1 ? No No Yes Yes 37%
x2 ? No No No Yes 32%
x3 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 26%
Me ? No No No No 5%
So that doesn't really say anything. It is understandable that he didn't really want to join my team.. =b
In this case the bid values were around £75000 and i just made a bit for the lowest i could.

In the case were i tested if the bid value had an effect there were 4 bidders and it looked something like this:
x1 ? Yes Yes No Yes 52%
Me ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 25%
x2 ? No No Yes Yes 17%
x3 ? No No No No 6%

The bids started at £140000, and i just started out with the lowest bid. Then i placed a bid for the highest amount i could, around £170000, but that changed nothing
eng pepsy11
sg FlameTermite >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 13:22
For 1st scenario, you got 5% because u bid the lowest and with all the No. x3 got 26% maybe he bid low but have all the yes. x2 and x1 bid around the same but since x1 got more yes, he got more percentage.

For 2nd scenario, x1 started the bid first by offering to buy the player, thus 52%, and age is not a big influence compared to country and language (from the transfer of mine that I observe) thus you got only 25% as he started the bid thus having advantage (starting the bid as he offered from the team before he is put onto the transfer list) x2 got 17% because he bid mid-low and with 2 yes (no for country and language which have a bigger influence). x3 got 6% as he bid low and have all no (just like your first scenario)
sg FlameTermite
eng pepsy11 >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 13:51
FlameTermite: Why are you writing this?
For 1st scenario: I am not questioning my 5% anywhere? I have written several times that i understand the 5% i got. And you go on saying that the rest is based on the bid value, which I have stated several times, I don't think it is. Read everything before you spill out.

For 2nd scenario: No he did not start the bidding, why do you think that? The player was set for sale, so no one had that advantage. And then "just like my first scenario", you tell me how you guess it is with bidding values.
eng pepsy11
sg FlameTermite >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 14:06
@Mikkel Funch

your question is not a complete question in the first place, u did not write down all the things and ask people. Then now you keep writing that we are not answering your question. Its like telling someone only the length of 1 side of a 90 degree triangle without the angle and tell him to solve the other 2.

In conclusion no one can ever answer your question, reason - not enough information.
sg FlameTermite
eng pepsy11 >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 14:13, Spremenjen ponedeljek junij 17 - 14:14
I wrote:
I have speculated a lot about how the win chance for a transfer is being calculated, and now i have to ask.
I am currently bidding on a player, which also has 3 other bids. I only have 5% win chance, which seems okay, since i don't have a lot of yes's.
But the other teams look like this:
x1 ? No No Yes Yes 37%
x2 ? No No No Yes 32%
x3 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 26%

Why does x3 have 26%, when it has way more yes's? Earlier i thought that it had something to do with a clubs popularity, but i have seen that popularity have extremely little, if any, impact. Then i experimented with transfer price. I placed a bid and had a 25% win chance, and used another credit to increse that bid to the highest i could, the win chance didn't change.
Can anyone tell me more about this?"

You don't see a complete question here? If not add the information that v asked for:

"v: I didn't show myself in this case as it didn't have any say. With me it looked like this:
x1 ? No No Yes Yes 37%
x2 ? No No No Yes 32%
x3 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 26%
Me ? No No No No 5%
So that doesn't really say anything. It is understandable that he didn't really want to join my team.. =b
In this case the bid values were around £75000 and i just made a bit for the lowest i could.

In the case were i tested if the bid value had an effect there were 4 bidders and it looked something like this:
x1 ? Yes Yes No Yes 52%
Me ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 25%
x2 ? No No Yes Yes 17%
x3 ? No No No No 6%

The bids started at £140000, and i just started out with the lowest bid. Then i placed a bid for the highest amount i could, around £170000, but that changed nothing"

Still not a complete question? Which angle do you need?
eng pepsy11
sg FlameTermite >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 15:04
How are you sure that when you up your bid, someone else didnt?

And i answered 'x3 got 26% maybe he bid low but have all the yes.' 'you got 5% because u bid the lowest and with all the No'

The 2nd part

"v: I didn't show myself in this case as it didn't have any say. With me it looked like this:
x1 ? No No Yes Yes 37%
x2 ? No No No Yes 32%
x3 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 26%
Me ? No No No No 5%
So that doesn't really say anything. It is understandable that he didn't really want to join my team.. =b
In this case the bid values were around £75000 and i just made a bit for the lowest i could.

In the case were i tested if the bid value had an effect there were 4 bidders and it looked something like this:
x1 ? Yes Yes No Yes 52%
Me ? Yes Yes Yes Yes 25%
x2 ? No No Yes Yes 17%
x3 ? No No No No 6%

The bids started at £140000, and i just started out with the lowest bid. Then i placed a bid for the highest amount i could, around £170000, but that changed nothing"

There are no question mark at all
sg FlameTermite
sg FlameTermite >> ponedeljek junij 17 - 15:09
'Why does x3 have 26%, when it has way more yes's?' that was your question.

About the highest bid you could u increase from what price to what price. (1 dollar to 2??, of course there is no impact, but maximum did you bid, the maximum of your club funds??? do you have enough money to bid the maximum possible)
sg FlameTermite