Forum: Angleščina rss-feed

To je forum o splošnem pogovoru v jeziku Angleščina. Ko objavljaš v ta forum moraš uporabljati ta jezik. Objave v drugih jezikih so lahko odstranjene brez opozorila. Ta forum vsebuje podrubrike za objave z drugačno tematiko ali namenom. Prosimo objavi napake v rubriko, ki je temu namenjena, obenem pa si vzemi čas in ugotovi kam spadajo katere objave.

Angleščina >> Tekmovanja

Latgalian Cup (2)

by Andryvs >> torek december 25 - 07:58

Merry Christmas! 

Latgalian Cup is for honor of latgalians and their friends, their friendship, honor and loyality. This season is our cup 10th anniversary. Please, join and play with us!

by Andryvs
by Prussians
by Andryvs >> torek december 25 - 08:21

We already organised this tournament , before it was able to do in RS with friendly cups. Here is example of the first cup than we had only 4  teams.

by Andryvs
by Prussians