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To je forum o splošnem pogovoru v jeziku Angleščina. Ko objavljaš v ta forum moraš uporabljati ta jezik. Objave v drugih jezikih so lahko odstranjene brez opozorila. Ta forum vsebuje podrubrike za objave z drugačno tematiko ali namenom. Prosimo objavi napake v rubriko, ki je temu namenjena, obenem pa si vzemi čas in ugotovi kam spadajo katere objave.

Angleščina >> Splošen pogovor

Substitutions? (4)

rs Dragan Cvorovic >> nedelja februar 10 - 14:04
How to make substitution? I watched today my match live, and I couldn't figured out how to make it, can't drag players or anything...
rs Dragan Cvorovic
au Boden >> nedelja februar 10 - 15:04
When you are on your homepage and see the heading "Fixtures next 3 days" under action you can click on the link that you can make your formation and at the very bottom you can make 6 people into you substitution.

To make your substitutions work you have to click on the green and red arrow, this will bring up a box for whom to come off and at what time.
au Boden
rs Dragan Cvorovic >> nedelja februar 10 - 17:17
Oh yes, thank you! I was thinking that I can make substitution during the game, but ok, I know now, thanks.
rs Dragan Cvorovic
nz Tiety Kooistra >> ponedeljek februar 11 - 09:32
At this moment only prefixed substitutions are possible in the create line-up page. In the future live substitutions including tactic changes will be possible.
nz Tiety Kooistra