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Season 9 (58)

at schorny >> četrtek april 10 - 15:48
@StormZ: We are losing league ranks currently, so we will have fewer and fewer international spots... We need some good performances internationally or we might lose the second CL spot and then it's going to be tough...
at schorny
at StormZ >> četrtek april 10 - 17:18
ill do my best here,but my team is so weak for the competitions :S
at StormZ
at StormZ >> petek april 11 - 10:43
Awesome cup draw -.-' so yeah one competition less to worry about,maybe playing in euro league isn't such a bad thing 3:)
at StormZ
at Kosmo >> petek april 11 - 12:44
you play at homes. so you are more likely to win it.
i have really bad luck at cup draw. last season you kicked me out really early too and i even palyed with my best squad..
at Kosmo
at StormZ >> petek april 11 - 12:46
I don't think i stand a chance in this one to be honest haha
at StormZ
ch trueblue >> nedelja april 13 - 15:53
Guys, I'm sad to tell you guys I've left FC Schruns. I've chosen to have a new team in Belgium (second division). I enjoyed my time here and I wish all of you the best of luck !
ch trueblue
at Kosmo >> nedelja april 13 - 18:13
sorry to hear that. good luck in the new league!
at Kosmo
at schorny >> ponedeljek april 14 - 08:36
Sad to see you go, trueblue.
Good Luck with your new Challenge :)
at schorny
at StormZ >> petek april 18 - 15:43, Spremenjen petek april 18 - 17:02
Schorny cmon,get out of the cup u need your team fresh for the champions league :P

P.S. 10-1 vs Graz? Great way to welcome new manager to our league xDD

Wouldn't suprised me if he quits now :P
at StormZ
at Kosmo >> petek april 18 - 17:30, Spremenjen petek april 18 - 17:31
what a shit week for my team.

3 losses in a row. CL, League, Cup....

Cornerstopper are a joke, had 2 CS in my CL Game in the box and got 2 Corner Goals.

against pernegg it looked like my lads didnt give 100%...lazy fucks.. and werent able to net the ball in :/

and in the cup game my set piece specialist gets an early injury and the ai swaps in my youth striker!?!?!?!? while my playmaker sits still on the bench.... the substitution mechanism could be a little bit better..

at Kosmo
at StormZ >> petek april 18 - 20:09
Weird week for your team indeed,okay i can undertand loss in CL and vs my team,but what the hell happend vs Pernegg?
at StormZ
at Kosmo >> sobota april 19 - 08:52
i dont know.

but my shit streak continues...

one is for sure: cornerstopper is a joke and corners are too strong.

i player with 6 defenders and defensive corners and a cronerstopper against fc korndackeln and conceeded 2 corner goals....

my home match in CL today startet funny too. i get a freekick in the first minutes, my Lb marches forwards on the top right corner and stays there while the counter attack of the opponents RF is happening and nobody is there to stop him....

well the game hates me right now and i dont stop having bad luck..
id dont even want to set up an line up, cause what for???
it obviously doesnt matter...
at Kosmo
at StormZ >> sobota april 19 - 13:24
The thing is(and the sad thing) that nobody understands the game engine... I made a great results and i mean great(more then great lets be honest) and will u trust me that i said i had no idea what i have done there? yeah i played some nice tactics,and i tried them all untill i was satisfied with anylisis result..but if somebody ask me to explain certain tactics and my reasoning behind them will u believe me i have no clue what the fk i did there? haha
at StormZ
hu MacikaG >> ponedeljek april 21 - 08:18
I saw you are concentrate all the topics into this one at this season. (My corner stoppers also plays bad, I conceaded 2 corner goals within 3 minutes while 2 corner stopper jumps in the field.)
Sad thing, but Austrian teams not plays well in the European cups, it seems, next year you can fight only one CL place.
hu MacikaG
Administrator skupnosti
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
at Kosmo >> ponedeljek april 21 - 15:02
well our teams are not really champions league material.
so we can not hold the additional CL spots for long.

we had good euroleague runs in the past, but we are losing these points soon.

maybe we can come back whe we play more euro league.
at Kosmo