Liga države Avstrija sezona 19

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Season 42 (2)

ee Balthazor >> četrtek december 20 - 04:52 I have 2 important players missing from EL match and one of them is keeper.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> ponedeljek december 24 - 20:32, Spremenjen ponedeljek december 24 - 23:03

And my supertalent arrived:

Not very good age, but talent 6.4 should compensate it.  Now thinking about his future position...

As my U21 Champions Cup trip is probably ending now (after 2 rounds won) as Holy Flora has much better selection there is setting that after -2 score on second half 6 younger players come for experience. Final score might be little bit nasty, but there is no big difference between 0-3 and 0-13. Boys have unique chance that can't happen every season. Half of competing teams will end without any win.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn