Liga države Barbados sezona 79

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whats the way forward (6)

ng Highranger >> petek oktober 10 - 12:35
Has anybody got any ideal on how we can increase the coefficient of our league in order to increase the number of teams who make it to the champions league
ng Highranger
eng daz >> petek oktober 10 - 22:51
I think the coefficient depends on the competitiveness in the champs league. For example, if our clubs get further in the competitions, the better the ranking.
Now the Barbados league level 1 has mostly human managers, we should be able to battle against each other and also improve together as a league system....better teams!!!

Previously, i only logged on sometimes because the league was i have an interest to compete against human opposition...good :)

Go Barbados!!!
eng daz
tv Shaheizy >> sobota oktober 11 - 01:15
I hope my team can stay at 1st place and get promote next season.
tv Shaheizy
ng Highranger >> sobota oktober 11 - 13:24
Am sure u will gain promotion shaheizy. i just hope the competition in the league increases next season. i will do my best to get to the group stage of the champions league next season to also help increase our coefficient. so that soon we will see 2 teams from barbados going to the champions league
ng Highranger
tv Shaheizy >> sreda oktober 22 - 08:10
Our league ranking seems going down,before this our league at #29 but now we at #34. But,our league coefficient increased. That good i think.
tv Shaheizy