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Season 35 (40)

eng Lee >> sobota december 23 - 01:07

Oy, Alex! Stop helping Matt - now he's above me in the table.

Focus on your own team, which will soon come down like the Christmas decorations.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Alex Seymour >> sobota december 23 - 08:08

There are still a good few weeks til they come down. I'll take that!

Have a good Xmas everyone!

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Lee >> sobota december 23 - 11:49

Merry Christmas!

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Matt Turner >> sreda december 27 - 15:52

Play top of the table and yet again 2 key players suspended!! On current form i reckon i could have given them a close game, but no chance now!! 

eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
ca Alex Seymour >> sreda december 27 - 20:20

It doesn't help that they have Spiderman playing for them, and you missed a penalty :-(

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Matt Turner >> petek december 29 - 07:49

Exactly!! My two best players suspended.... Again!!! The striker would have scored that penalty. They not the best team ive played this season 

eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Matt Turner >> sobota december 30 - 18:28

Sorry mr pixels!! But that result has been coming for a while for me. 

eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Lee >> sobota december 30 - 20:35

Losing 2 defenders to injury didn't help but you dominated the game, and would have won anyway.

I've had a good run of results recently, so hopefully everything went wrong in the same game.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Matt Turner >> sobota december 30 - 20:53

Yeah i did notice the game changed when your first defender went off. My front pairing are on fire at the moment, just need to invest in a top class defender and i reckon i may just make the play offs again

eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Lee >> četrtek januar 4 - 13:05

At the halfway point now, and I have to say I'm delighted with how my first season in division 2 is going.

A lot of games still to play but an exciting playoff battle is already underway.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Matt Turner >> četrtek januar 4 - 15:01

Good luck with that! Im just going to write off this season! Every time i get within touching distance of the playoffs i lose a game i should win. No logic to this season at all! 

eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Lee >> petek januar 5 - 19:21

A stunning upset at the Waterside stadium earlier today, with Rushden pulling off an unexpected 2:1 win.

'The beer will taste sour tonight' said Canvey's manager.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Lee >> sobota januar 6 - 11:29

Since my 'I'm delighted' post I've lost 2 in a row - hopefully just a blip and not the start of a mid-season collapse.

I need something to keep me warm, during this Canadian deep freeze.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Lee >> sreda januar 17 - 13:07

No wins in 7 but there have been 5 draws, so the silver lining is I'm proving hard to beat - the fine form of early in the season is a distant memory though.

What do you think of your recent form?

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Kezza >> sreda januar 17 - 19:43

2 wins and a draw in the last 3 matches for me, which ended a run of LDLLL!

This is not an easy league to be honest, but my target for this season was just to stay in the league/get top 10 if I can.. sofar so good! :)

eng Kezza