Liga države Finska sezona 75

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Kausi 38 (1)

ua Zalktis >> četrtek maj 17 - 18:07, Spremenjen četrtek maj 17 - 18:08

A new season starting soon.

After long period of saving up money Kuusysi finally was able to start construction works of a new home - stadium with a capacity of 200'000 football lovers. Every trasfer window was hard time, real hard, to not spend it all and buy some good players.  And we also need to sell our future top star Nuutti Andressein, who will be a star in some other team. 

With stadium upgrade it will be a refresh for whole team, as all of our popular players will slowly end their carreers and there will be no replacement for them with new popular players after their retirement.

Hopefully this season will be fun for all of us.

Good luck!

ua Zalktis