Liga države Indija sezona 25

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Season 75 (18)

in Keju >> torek september 26 - 06:36, Spremenjen torek september 26 - 06:37

Wait a title Race !!!!!!!!

Thursday 28th sept is a big game

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
be Eckhart >> torek september 26 - 16:48

Thanks! normally we are qualified (we got better results in game vs South Korea AND our general statistics in goals is better). Japan was just to strong so we got the place were we should be!

In the competition i am kinda nervous for thursday haha, first time i have to follow in this stage of the competition. Its a good thing!

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in viktor >> sobota oktober 7 - 16:57

Right on Keju

This season saw a closer title race than  we have seen in the recent past. Good work Art Of Bar!!

And Congratulations Eckhart!!

in viktor
in Air FC