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Season 26 (176)

ng Tony pulis >> sobota september 3 - 22:27
My expectations.
Finish top half( though a lot of teams strenthened above me)
and upgrade my all my facilities up a level, hope to gain a lot of money this year to really upgrade my team.
Two draws at the begining of the season not appealing but satisfied better than two deafeats at the start of last season
ng Tony pulis
those guyz have enogh money to spend, he recently spent 406m on staduim, and yet 200m, and mean while the player is worth it, though my st is better than him, this transfer values my upto 300m each lol...
But am still confuse on why they dont contest for our nc, rather the leave it for one person...
those guyz have enogh money to spend, he recently spent 406m on staduim, and yet 200m, and mean while the player is worth it, though my st is better than him, this transfer values my upto 300m each lol...
But am still confuse on why they dont contest for our nc, rather the leave it for one person...
ng Sonic >> nedelja september 4 - 23:16
I Think they communicate wf each other, or they just decided to leave it for him..he has done great so far buh he has also neglected the team when we need him the most like last nations so suprised we have no outside competition for d NC..
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Sonic >> nedelja september 4 - 23:21
And one of the reasons y both magic box and permanent legend havent won d ACL these past seasons is cuz they don't spend unlike other big teams in euroupe or asia..HACKER won it four times in a row coupled with other ivorian teams performing well thus increasing their co-efficient and lowering ours, we've slipped frm first to third
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Sonic >> ponedeljek september 5 - 07:04
First win of d season against ebonyi angels And also a cleansheet.. hoping for more.
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
yea ur correct, they will soon start spending big, when we catch them,...
Buying vip now is costly in our country
congrat on your win against ebonyi angels, that shows how far you have come.
But i think ebonyi have a strategy, i just love how he increase his facilities in twinkle of an eye.
down northmen 1-4, bring on scary sonicstars hehe
ng Sonic >> ponedeljek september 5 - 12:01
Me scary? ahah d match is actually yours.. u've brought in 10stars player and u r doing well in d AL qualifications, i just hope u make d group stage and increase our co-efficient
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Sonic >> ponedeljek september 5 - 12:04
Kitchee,magician,galaxy and others are currently upgrading their stadiun to 120 capacity..they want to make catching up really hard. Mayb that's y they are not spending.
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
haha those 10stars players are really old, i dont think i will try buying anyone again...
Moreover top teams in our league are upgrading to 120k, very soon they will be join by real sunNing npl,
my plan is to save enough money and start my own too, i already have 20m i'm 306m off lol,
but really the truth about my club right now is that i will soon be one of those clubs that battle against relegation because, i have to start saving about 1bilion now, no much spending,
my 6.35 talent will be the key for this, he will reduce my time drastically..
While i already plan selling three players to start 120k next...
won 4-0 and 6-0 agg against nacala, now waiting for my next opponent in round 3,...
our only problem is popularity, we get about 100k plus a season while they get 200k plus.. So they will always full there staduim quick and make more money.., you know we are puting much effort hope we are going to get our reward sooner than later...