Liga države Škotska sezona 5

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well done to everyone this season (1)

sco Scotland1983 >> sobota maj 11 - 19:09, Spremenjen sobota maj 11 - 19:37
we all improved a lot and i sense next season we will all be even better i know next season i wont win the league by 20 points anyway and good luck to all who will be representing scotland in europe next season i hope we all do well next season in europe thank you everyone this season has been a historical first one with cup and league possible to win and next season some will be trying for the senior treble too or quadruple if you count under 21 league too its been a a strong fast improving league anyway next season and there may be some impressive new comers to the top division next season too as well as since someone applied for the scotland boss job we will have out first scotland national team boss to:)
sco Scotland1983
sm FC Murata #13