Liga države Združene države Amerike sezona 12 [2]

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Pogovori o tvoji ligi, kdo so favoriti za osvojitev lige v tej sezoni? Kdo bo napredoval/izpadel, kako ti kaže v pokalu?

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Advice (2)

us Kratos >> četrtek oktober 17 - 07:48

Hello All,

I am looking for any advice on how to survive staying up in division 2. I wasn't done building my team for this division before getting promoted. I honestly didn't think it would happen. I noticed the tv revenue for being near the bottom of 2 isn't as good as being near the top of 3 so is it worth it to actually get demoted and just play my youth as much as possible and save money instead of transfering in players?



us Kratos
us FC Wichita
us Peter >> sobota oktober 19 - 15:12

You have to consider your stadium revenue as well. If you're consistently selling out now, and you weren't in division 3, you might want to fight against relegation in this division. The teams here also have more popularity, which will in turn get you more fans when you play against them, which will put you in a position to upgrade your stadium sooner.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers