Liga države Združene države Amerike sezona 44

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Season 72 (2)

us Mike >> ponedeljek marec 27 - 14:46

Good luck to all this season! 

Happy to have just won the Super Cup with both of my teams as well as the Costa Rican league on the last game of the year.  Still searching for the elusive first Cup win and an International Tournament victory.  While my Costa Rican team is more setup for long term success, my aging US team with 2 expensive ST's will have to win soon before the reset begins.  

us Mike
us Colonials FC
us Mike >> nedelja april 23 - 03:13, Spremenjen sreda april 26 - 14:46

The USA is well represented in the Champions League Semifinals. Abilene vs Hounds in one matchup. In the other, I'm playing my Costa Rican team which is an odd feeling. 

Update: Despite being an underdog, my 2nd team in Costa Rica beat my US Colonials team in both semi-final games as my CR goalie stood on his head.  When setting the lineups I did not favor either team so as not to disturb any karma from the RS Gods.  

us Mike
us Colonials FC