Liga države Wales sezona 15

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Season 64 (4)

ro Spiro >> četrtek januar 27 - 00:48, Spremenjen četrtek januar 27 - 00:48

Good luck this season guys !

ro Spiro
ro Venus Oradea
ro Spiro >> sobota januar 29 - 17:43

At the end of the season I will be leaving the club ... unfortunately because there is so few users here it makes it hard to grow fast ... 

I will start again in a more populated country 

ro Spiro
ro Venus Oradea
eng Kastrix >> ponedeljek februar 14 - 11:27

Leaving again :(

eng Kastrix
wal Kergle AFC
ro Spiro >> ponedeljek februar 14 - 19:17

Yeah a big club will be eligible to be taken over at the end of the season wich i whant .... and the second club i will start from 0 in Romania 

ro Spiro
ro Venus Oradea