Liga države Južnoafriška republika sezona 18

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Pogovori o tvoji ligi, kdo so favoriti za osvojitev lige v tej sezoni? Kdo bo napredoval/izpadel, kako ti kaže v pokalu?

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za Kokowielie >> torek oktober 15 - 06:46
I am not a person who usually complains, but I feel cheated. How come the new teams start at mid table level 1 league teams. I had to start as a last place level 2 league team...
za Kokowielie
za Nelson Mandela >> četrtek oktober 24 - 08:39
If you have at least 3 levels of courts, and there are at least 5 level training base or youth center. The account you this case will not be reset

So you can choose the level of League
za Nelson Mandela