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Engleski >> Fudbal u stvarnom životu

Zaključano Change of ownership at Chelsea (9)

eng holt >> sreda mart 2 - 18:58, Editovan sreda mart 2 - 19:37

This is certainly unexpected for me. What caused Abramovich to get pushed out when other owners have been able too supress calls for resignation during a humanitarian crisis/atrocities/invasion?

Please note, I'm not mocking the club (or any others) in any manner. I'm seriously surprised with how things have panned out and I'd like to know as to why did it happen in such a sudden manner.

eng holt
eng Stephen >> sreda mart 2 - 20:32

Here you go:

This article isn't behind a paywall, unlike others in the UK

eng Stephen
Glavni Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
ca George LGeorge >> četvrtak mart 3 - 00:05

I'm guessing that there's talk of freezing of assets in England of those close to Putin, which Abramovich may be one.  

ca George LGeorge
ca Edmonton Cyclones
ru RealFlush >> četvrtak mart 3 - 07:13

Yes, all the oligarchs are now in a panic because of the sanctions and are trying to sell property across Europe

ru RealFlush
ru Double Standards
ru RealFlush >> četvrtak mart 3 - 07:17

For some reason, associations with Chukotka appeared. As soon as Abramovich left the governor's post, despondency set in again (but not as all-consuming as it was before Abramovich). Until now, the inhabitants of Chukotka with aspiration and nostalgia remember him.

Yes, he acted far from disinterestedly and pursued his goals. But on the other hand, he showed that it turns out that in just a few years it is possible to raise the region from its knees.

Abramovich, no matter how they treat him, is an objectively effective manager, as soon as he came to the club, he immediately hired professionals. The first purchase of the club under him was a competent sports director.

ru RealFlush
ru Double Standards
nl Counter_Culture >> četvrtak mart 3 - 10:35, Editovan četvrtak mart 3 - 10:36

Like RealFlush says, Russian oligarchs who are linked to Putin are forced (or feel forced) to sell foreign property and companies. What surprised me was the following statement by Abramovich:

"I have instructed my team to set up a charitable foundation where all net proceeds from the sale will be donated. The foundation will be for the benefit of all victims of the war in Ukraine. This includes providing critical funds towards the urgent and immediate needs of victims, as well as supporting the long-term work of recovery." (from the Chelsea website)

Talking about a "war in Ukraine" is something Putin will strongly disapprove of and I can imagine it will mean the end of his ties to Putin. That's why his statement surprised me, but I did not know anything about Abramovich or his political past (thanks for pointing this out RealFlush). After reading more about his governorship, I can see why he is linked to Putin, but I can also see why Abramovich and Putin aren't the best of friends:

“Roman Abramovich, ex-Sibneft majority shareholder and Chelsea F.C. owner, has invested millions of dollars in the area to develop infrastructure and provide direct aid to the population. However, he also used Chukotka as a tax haven by opening an office for his companies in Anadyr to dodge billions in taxes, just like other wealthy Russians did in other remote Russian regions in the 1990s. However, in 2003 a federal law was passed which closed this hole in the tax law, causing Chukotka to cost him money. After unsuccessfully trying to resign in 2004 and being appointed for a second term by Putin, Abramovich made a second attempt in December 2006, declaring that "his mission is complete" because Chukotka had greatly developed. However, Putin announced in February 2007 that he was being appointed for a third term. In July 2008, after Putin's successor Medvedev took office, Abramovich was finally able to resign”. (from Wikipedia)

So I guess Abramovich must have (had) ties to Putin, or otherwise he would not have been able to become so wealthy and poiwerful in Russia, but I can imagine their relations haven’t been too friendly for a while now.

nl Counter_Culture
il Numpty >> četvrtak mart 3 - 12:08, Editovan četvrtak mart 3 - 12:17

Since it seems we can now comment on Putin and the oligarchs, this is my understanding of the relationships in general. 

When the old Soviet Union disintegrated in the late 80s and early 90s, there was a fire sale and a lot of the former state owned assets ended up in private ownership by semi-legitimate and/or dodgy means. Some of the oligarchs got their wealth this way and others became wealthy from corrupt activities or a mixture of the two. 

When Putin consolidated his grip on power all these oligarchs who had become rich at the states' expense were threatened and required to 'bow the knee' to Putin.

Those who complied were allowed to keep their wealth or at least most of it. Those who didn't comply simply disappeared. They are all linked to him in some form or other as they have no choice in the matter. 

It's a mafia state with Putin as the ultimate godfather with weapons to match. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. 

Most of these Oligarchs aren't his friends. They simply sold their souls to get rich and probably hate him. Most likely they are now just as worried as everyone else but are too scared to intervene.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng holt >> četvrtak mart 3 - 13:35, Editovan četvrtak mart 3 - 14:06

The article linked by Stephen was informative but it doesn't really state in what way is Abrhamovich linked. I heard *** mod edit for almost certain libel*** Anyhow, I've come to understand that it was to prevent his assets from being frozen and to escape sanctions.

It's also intresting to contrast the realtionships seen in Russia with that in China. Smoke and mirrors indeed...

eng holt
eng Stephen >> četvrtak mart 3 - 14:01, Editovan četvrtak mart 3 - 14:01

I heard he goes round supermarkets shaking cans of fizzy drinks that go on to cover unsuspecting customers when they open them. I can't find any documentary evidence of this. It's almost as if we shouldn't just be typing any old nonsense we heard onto a random Internet forum, isn't it?

eng Stephen
Glavni Admin
eng Seaburn Beach