Prvenstvo Island sezona 40

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season 34 (6)

fr rouquin >> subota oktobar 21 - 12:37

hello it's a good season to all

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr Blackwhite >> subota oktobar 21 - 20:12, Editovan subota oktobar 21 - 20:13

And a new super cup for White unicorns

Good luck to all cool

fr Blackwhite
Admin zajednice
fr Les Licornes Blanches
fr rouquin >> subota oktobar 21 - 23:34

youpi laughing

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr Blackwhite >> četvrtak novembar 16 - 19:33

And the Cup is for my team, this season coolwinkcool

fr Blackwhite
Admin zajednice
fr Les Licornes Blanches
fr rouquin >> utorak novembar 28 - 20:41

congratulations for the triplet. You are too strong

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr Blackwhite >> sreda novembar 29 - 10:44, Editovan sreda novembar 29 - 10:45

Yes Man and thank's you cool

For my team, this season :

This is a very good season wink

fr Blackwhite
Admin zajednice
fr Les Licornes Blanches