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Retiring (19)

us Tintin >> sreda jul 2 - 04:01
I will retire after the end of this season. It has been a great honor and fun to compete with you all past 9 seasons. However, the game is becoming less and less interest to me. I'm moving to another game called United Eleven. If you ever join there, look out for Enhac Kavey club and add me!

If anyone wants to take over my club, please let me know early so we can coordinate on the time to do so, otherwise I will post in global forum.

Again, thanks for all the fun. Best of luck to you!
us Tintin
in viktor >> sreda jul 2 - 16:05
You will be missed. Good Luck with your future endeavors.
in viktor
in Air FC
us Calcium >> sreda jul 2 - 16:45
I actually just started trying that one out, but I definitely plan on staying with my Rocking Soccer team as well.
us Calcium
us Ulysses >> četvrtak jul 3 - 02:04
Sorry to see you go! Good luck in your future endeavors and in the other game. It's too bad that the Enhac Kavey were not more successful; I think that you arguably had the best team in the United States.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us valentine >> četvrtak jul 3 - 05:45
@Tintin.I feel sorry for your leaving. It was a good time competing with you at the initial seasons being an underdog, I also believe you still have the best team in this league. I might join you someday if I find RS no more interesting. Hopefully you are enjoying your new game.
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
us Calcium >> petak jul 4 - 03:35
Your team isn't LittleHowie (EKV) by any chance is it?
us Calcium
us Tintin >> utorak jul 8 - 01:19
@Calcium: Yes my team is LittleHowie (EKV)

Thanks everyone again. I'm leaving my club tonight. Have fun and enjoy the game!

us Tintin
us John Deatrick >> utorak jul 8 - 06:12
Hey all. Glad to finally be in league 1. Hope I can fill tintins large shoes.
us John Deatrick
us Calcium >> utorak jul 8 - 13:16
@Tintin: Cool, I sent you a request. My team is Encarnado (ECN)
us Calcium
nz Luke Broadcast >> subota avgust 9 - 16:45
completely offtopic but maybe you can help me. could anyone contact me who knows anything about soccer scholarships in universities of usa. i have my BA degree and would like to do my Masters in there. 23 years of age, thanks
nz Luke Broadcast
us Calcium >> sreda oktobar 1 - 04:15
I am sorry to say that I will be retiring from this game within the next few days. I haven't really felt like I've been getting into it the past season and a half or so, and quite honestly, it's my senior year of high school and the time would be better spent elsewhere. So it's been an honor and plenty of fun and playing with and against you guys! Maybe I'll come across some of you guys in other games in the future, but for now, I'm pretty much done with online multi-player games for at least the next couple of months so I can put more focus on extracurriculars, college apps, etc. But again, thank you all and anyone interested in taking over FC Amish Mafia (formerly Las Vegas Devils) should PM me within the next few days so we can make a smooth transfer.
us Calcium
us ranks39 >> sreda oktobar 1 - 05:17
Sorry to hear that! Hopefully we will see you again in the near future. Good luck with all of your future endeavors.
us ranks39
us John Deatrick >> sreda oktobar 1 - 06:16
Sorry to hear that calcium. It was fun while it lasted.

I actually know a guy from US who would want your team. He is a US manager in like league 3. Please reach out to him to see if he wants it, as hes a very active player and a good candidate for league 1.

Thanks, and best wishes!
us John Deatrick
us Ulysses >> sreda oktobar 1 - 14:46, Editovan sreda oktobar 1 - 14:54
That's too bad, though it sounds like a smart choice. I guess that leaves my team and the St. Louis Rams as the only one manager teams to remain in league 1 since season 1 (though your team is the only one that will have remained in league 1 with multiple managers). Good luck!
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC