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Engelska >> Frågor

questions about relegation (4)

cn happygduanppe58943 >> måndag augusti 19 - 13:51

what negative (or positive)effects will bring to a team when the team has a relegation?

cn happygduanppe58943
nl Manchester United H
ua Garfman >> måndag augusti 19 - 14:13

It depends on a few factors: relegation can have a negative effect on the attendance at your matches, though if you are successful, the difference won't be as big (or you might even earn more). And it would also depend on the number of human players in the lower league, and what their popularity is. You could also save money, because you need to be less strong players not to be relegated (ie. salary costs). If you're still in the phase of building your team, it's always better to look at the long term. First build up your stadium, catering and fan shop, so you can maximise your income. You can start building your team after that. Personally, I would never spend money not to be relegated, but instead focus on the longterm plan (ie. building a team that is strong enough to win the league, for example).

ua Garfman
Huvudadministratör samhörighet
ph Garfman FC
il Numpty >> måndag augusti 19 - 15:07

Some good advice from Garfman. As he says there are a number of factors. A lot depends on the stage of development that you are at and the league that you are playing in. 

But in most cases the positive effects of playing in a lower league are greater than the negative ones.

In general the positives from getting relegated are:

  • Easier matches
  • Rotating the squad is much easier and the board complain less often
  • Faster popularity growth if you win more home matches
  • Lower costs if you buy cheaper players and pay lower wages
  • Higher cup income due to earlier entry and more home games
  • More points in the league gives higher TV money

The negatives are:

  • Lower attendances in the league if you can't fill the stadium with your own popularity
  • Psychological. A lot of people prefer to be playing as high as they can.  
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kupus >> måndag augusti 19 - 16:04

"The negatives are:

  • Lower attendances in the league if you can't fill the stadium with your own popularity"

This alone makes it almost always worth promoting and avoiding relegation, but as mentioned not spending too much money trying to achieve it.

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum