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Engelska >> Generell diskussion

Free solid teams (GLOBAL) (2495)

Someone just ditch into the manager role of that team...... I have to wait for my own turn or keep improving my team stadium
nl Vince Dean >> tisdag augusti 19 - 08:38
I'm still looking for a team that's better then mine in a more active league then the one i'm in.
nl Vince Dean
dm ѕυвķιd >> tisdag augusti 19 - 08:59
@DOn'x, do i hear u said, ur league is not competitive. Get promoted 2 league one and u will neva say dat again. Infact i can assure u. Even if u get promoted u wl surely get relagated again.
dm ѕυвķιd
haha subkid....the league is competitive but only when you get to the top league but i hardly get a good enough attendance at my stadium and i wonder how long it will take for me to get my stadium upgraded because of less attendance now......

I will come to league two and remain there until am ready for league 1 i don't think i will get relegated from there.....

3season and am ready....for now am building facilities not team:((
ro Ciapi >> tisdag augusti 19 - 11:44
Why do you aim for the best team?

It's more satisfacting to begin from the bottom with a weak team and go for the top.
ro Ciapi
ro Katalyn >> tisdag augusti 19 - 11:54, Redigerad tisdag augusti 19 - 12:08
who want to exchange teams
ro Katalyn
it Padua
hr Eddie >> tisdag augusti 19 - 12:32
Exactly, Ciapi. I started a few months ago and went for the bottom league random team. I was planning to go slowly with youths but since they changed the market values, I'm going a bit faster. :)
hr Eddie
ro Ciapi >> tisdag augusti 19 - 12:47
Me too Eddie.Back then,I sold all of my oldest guys and I bought very cheap young players and now I have the change to fight for promovating to the League 2.
ro Ciapi
dm ѕυвķιd >> tisdag augusti 19 - 14:50
Ok@DON-X. Gud luck then. I want to be the 1st nigeria manager to win the league, because all those chinese manager really anoy me. The keep dominating my league as a foreigner while am here as indigen. In 2 or 3 season i wil put a stop about that, it's my target.
dm ѕυвķιd
lv Tamaz >> tisdag augusti 19 - 15:01
wtf with those team names :NPL?
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
gud luck on your quest..... i hope to reach league 1

@opelis yea NpL
dm ѕυвķιd >> tisdag augusti 19 - 19:28
Yes@opelis, xo anoy. I will target them i belive in my managerial skill
dm ѕυвķιd
in viktor >> tisdag augusti 19 - 19:53
@subkid Go get em.
Why NPL? are those teams sponsored by Nauru Pacific line? or netscape (netscape public license)
in viktor
in Air FC
lv Tamaz >> tisdag augusti 19 - 20:26
can some1 sponsor me too? :D i will write their name as teams name :D
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto