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Engelska >> Förslag

Communication Newsletter From Developers (13)

us Mike >> fredag april 1 - 20:19
There's been a lot of great progress in the game since I joined a little under a year ago. There has also been a ton of suggestions and debate on how to make the game better. This is a good thing in my opinion.

As part of a regular communication newsletter, I wonder if Vincent and the developers can share both what they are working on for enhancements as well as what they are NOT going to work on. It doesn't have to be anything fancy - just a paragraph or two write-up. Timetables around these changes would be nice, but not necessary.

Doing so would give the users a chance to see what's coming up and give us incentive to keep paying for VIP. It will also stop some discussions (maybe not the complaining) if Vincent says something like "suggestion XYZ will not be implemented." To me, a monthly or whatever time horizon newsletter would be better than the current system of news alerts which are almost always retrospective.

Looking forward to the continued evolution of RS.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
hr Eddie >> fredag april 1 - 20:32
I like this suggestion.

Mostly as it would stop multiple same suggestions because you could just point to Vincent's newsletter post and end any further repeated debates or +1 necroing of old threads.
hr Eddie
ca Jax >> fredag april 1 - 21:02
As you know Eddie, the transfer issue that is being discussed now has been brought up many times and in the past we had no idea if this was something that would ever be addressed.

I'd love to have something like this but I am not trying to "Press my luck". I'm quite happy with the level of commitment the RS team has been showing lately.
ca Jax
us Mike >> fredag april 1 - 22:03
I agree there has been a real nice uptick in outward commitment recently. What I'm thinking is that the communication newsletter can be more proactive vs reactive making it more of a shift in communication strategy versus additional work. Don't necessarily feel it's pressing my luck to suggest.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
eng Kezza >> fredag april 1 - 22:29
good idea.. especially the part about Vincent making a list of ideas, which will never ever happen (which will prevent 20-30 threads opening up on the same subject, which is my pet hate!)
eng Kezza
us Mike >> fredag april 1 - 23:15
@kezza. Slightly different take. I don't necessarily suggest Vincent make a comprehensive list more like the top things they are working on and we can look forward to. I think this is more realistic.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
ca Jax >> fredag april 1 - 23:22, Redigerad lördag april 2 - 01:08
@Mike It can include both, though.

I understand where Kezza is coming from on this. When multiple threads are made about the same thing, it doesn't necessarily annoy me but it certainly annoys the Forum mods. This is exactly why @Eddie likes it so much ;)

Edit: I actually think this recent uptick in forum posts from Vincent is due to my rampant surge up the forum posts leaderboard ;) He knows I'm coming for the #4 spot!!!
ca Jax
nl Vincent de Boer >> lördag april 2 - 08:39
Hi Mike,

I can understand this suggestion. A lot of ideas I'm working on are just concepts that need to be worked out to be able to tell if they add anything to the game or not. They may change shape completely in the process or even be discarded. I do not like to make promises or confuse people with partially thought over plans.

I can share some things I'm working on though, I'm just not sure about a regular newsletter.

I'm currently working on the NT shortlist algorithm to include more players and handle special attributes better.

Some changes I'm considering that would impact the game include:
- transfer reselling:
- Bot team line-up improvements and bot U21 teams:
- lower attendance in europa league matches to reduce the advantage for big teams of playing in the europa league instead of the champions league.
- The world cup qualification format:
- Add more and/or improve search options in the scout office

At some point I will also want to make improvements to the match engine and to the match player, but this does not have a high priority yet.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things now and I'm intentionally leaving out some that I'm still too undecided about, but this will give you some idea of what to expect.
nl Vincent de Boer
hr Eddie >> lördag april 2 - 09:41
Thanks for sharing this with us. Very nice.
hr Eddie
us Mike >> lördag april 2 - 11:05
Thanks Vincent! This is a great update that certainly helps illustrate upcoming game direction and potential enhancements. Totally agree with you for not wanting to share every idea that's not fully developed or thought through. While I know what you wrote above is not a newsletter, can you put your note in the news section so it will have a broader reach amongst players versus potentially being lost/buried in this forum post? Thanks again.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us Mike >> onsdag april 6 - 16:59
Thanks again for making this happen and posting these updates more broadly!
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us Mike >> lördag december 29 - 18:23

Hi Vincent - it’s been awhile since the last update. Can you give some insight into what is coming up as well as what suggestions you are NOT considering?  It is a bit of a black hole at this point for what is/isn’t next. Thanks!

us Mike
us Colonials FC
pl wielgachny >> lördag januari 26 - 05:52

I Type here. 

Any game updete? Almost year and nothing new

pl wielgachny