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Engelska >> Frågor

The catering (2)

de niklas17 >> tisdag maj 7 - 10:37
I upgraded my stadium to level 3 and now i wanted to build a catering. But i cant see the catering or the place where i can build it.
So are there any other issues why i cant see or build it?
de niklas17
sco Arno Wiersma >> tisdag maj 7 - 11:22
You should be able to see it in the list of facilities (lowest button under "Facilities" in the menu). I've built the first two levels of it.

I did build the Fanshop to level 3 first though, I didn't check if it was available before that. But I would expect it to be available immediately after upgrading your stadium.
sco Arno Wiersma