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Engelska >> Tävlingar

Canadian League Sesion 2 differences Matches (3)

cl brainbot >> tisdag maj 14 - 14:11
The Sesion 2 in Canada League has 33 dates, with teams ending with 30 matches played, and others teams with 31 matches played.

The sesion 1 had 39 dates, with all teams with 36 matches played, this is just.

The solution for the sesion 3 will play again 39 dates matches or add 1 team more to level 1, for all teams play the same number of games.
cl brainbot
nl Vincent de Boer >> tisdag maj 14 - 14:20
Canada has 13 teams, next season this will be fixed.
nl Vincent de Boer
ca krin >> onsdag maj 15 - 11:14
aww that sucks... i could of still won first :(
oh wells
ca krin