Championnat de Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès saison 65

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Discutez de votre championnat, qui sont les favoris pour remporter le championnat cette saison ? Qui sera promu/relégué, comment se passe votre parcours en coupe ?

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Intro managers (3)

nl willemf >> jeudi septembre 8 - 13:19
Hi guys,

alot of new faces in this competition. I,m the Friherr manager, coming from Holland IRL but played in Costa Rica and am the record holder championship.s
nl willemf
be LouiseP >> jeudi septembre 22 - 13:11
Hey! I am from Belgium and currently living in the Netherlands.
Before I played in the United States Virgin Islands. I was always second there and it looks like I will take this position here as well :).
be LouiseP
nl willemf >> mercredi septembre 28 - 14:06
but god damn, you have a nice team! and it just take a bit more time that you and i are face to face... for now i,m a bit stronger
nl willemf