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İngilizce >> Öneriler

Sabit New special attributes (231)

hr Eddie >> salı ocak 24 - 11:54
For Fit, age affects endurance twice as slow. It doesn't exclude it.

Your suggestion was about totally disregarding age.
hr Eddie
vu Amun-Ra >> salı ocak 24 - 23:07
ok, didnt know. make it like that then
vu Amun-Ra
eng wonderlust >> Çarşamba ocak 25 - 00:01
@Eddie description for Fit is that endurance isn't affected by age. My player Rounner has always had 3.6 endurance.
eng wonderlust
eng Forever We Are Wolves
eng Stephen >> Çarşamba ocak 25 - 07:38
That's right, @Wonderlust
eng Stephen
Baş yönetici
eng Seaburn Beach
pl MAT >> Çarşamba ocak 25 - 10:32, Düzenlendi Çarşamba ocak 25 - 10:58
***** Taking care silhouette athlete I - all fixed with exception talent bonus plus one ball (natural)
***** Taking care silhouette athlete II - all fixed with exception talent decreases about half value slower. (natural)
***** Paradox - Customizes your level unto one player with team opponent playing in the same position. Maximum can reduce or increase your skills by 1 ball. So as to maximize (closer) skills to a player copied. Additionally, it can in a given match use one additional special attribute player with opposing team - insofar as this no longer has. (natural)

Full list new special attributes you find:
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
no Lied >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 12:54
[Natural] Anchor: Gains a 0.25 dueling bonus while in a central position, gets a 0.5 speed penalty.

[Trainable]Poacher: 0.5 scoring bonus when inside the penalty box, can not be trained with longshot.
no Lied
lv Dainix >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 14:37
Maybe something similar NBA 2K...

Defensive Anchor - Makes his teammates better defensively just by being on the field. (for example: +0.1 to all players defense abilities, dueling and blocking)

Field General - Makes his teammates better offensively just by being on the field. (for example: +0.1 to all players offensive abilities, scoring and passing)

And rule: only 2 players with the same attributes may play on the field at the same time.
lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
wal Hudson >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 18:03
How about
"Bullet Header" - its all in the name
"Pinpoint Crossing" - Gets a bonus of maybe, 0.5-1.5 balls on passing when he's about to cross.
wal Hudson
lv DJ_EV >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 18:14
Don't know if there was idea like this, but I'll let it go:

"Super star" - gets bonus when he is in the top 3 players by star value on the pitch. Gets penalty, when he is not.
lv DJ_EV
lv 薯片 >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 18:19
Closer - gets a bonus to skills in last 15 minutes of half, but a little penalty in first few minutes of half. (Gets double bonus, if team is loosing (maybe not needed)) Numbers can be arguable. I hope you get my idea..
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
lv Snobs >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 18:30
@LeBruuns, u just described SuperSub :D
It might be vice versa maybe? That he have bonus in the first 15 min and afterwards he gets a penalty. We can call the trait - SuperStarter
lv Snobs
lv Citizen Seducer
lv 薯片 >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 18:39, Düzenlendi perşembe Şubat 2 - 18:40
@Snobs, something similar, but not like it. That players would get a bonus in the end of BOTH halfs, and only in last minutes. While, supersub gives bonus only in 2nd half. It is just like opposite of "Go for quick lead" but that bonus aplies only to one player with that trait. But I like your idea as well. (sorry if my english isnt that good, I really hope you understand)
lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
lv Snobs >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 18:57
Yeah, I got your point.
However, I believe we don't need multiple similar traits, it's better to go with something new, developed from scratch
lv Snobs
lv Citizen Seducer
wal Hudson >> perşembe Şubat 2 - 21:01
Sergio Ramos - 43% to get a goal in the 87-90th mins of the game, gets 0.8-1.25 ball bonus on scoring and dueling in the final 10 minutes of regular time.
I'll think of a better name later.
wal Hudson
nl armin999 >> perşembe mart 16 - 13:44, Düzenlendi perşembe mart 16 - 13:49
Perhaps the "roaming" attribute can be changed, so that roaming means that they can roam to a position where they are not marked.

In that case they get a passing bonus, but only to receive the ball (a ball passed to a roaming player has a higher chance of being succesful).

Edit: the idea is that roaming should be a strength for players, if they use it intelligently but a weakness if they dont
nl armin999