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İngilizce >> Genel tartışma

Problem with ticket sales (9)

it Federico >> cuma haziran 2 - 11:11

I don't know if I'm the only V.I.P user having problems selling tickets with credits. After years of V.I.P I can barely sell all the tickets because by now almost all active users have already bought tickets for my matches at least once. Is anyone in favor of proposing a reset every random number of seasons?

it Federico
it Aglianese
il Numpty >> cuma haziran 2 - 11:32, Düzenlendi cuma haziran 2 - 11:33

As I explained to you in the other thread there is a reset done for new ticket sales. 

What we need to establish is if there's a bug and it's no longer working correctly. There was a previous incident of this that ran from 2021 into 2022 and eventually got fixed about a year ago. 

Since it's been roughly a year since it was last fixed it's entirely possible that this was a one off fix and the problem has continued as before. If so, then it will only get worse.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
it Federico >> cuma haziran 2 - 11:38

Ok but how can we common users know if it's a bug? The fact is that currently, at least I, have problems using this function of the V.I.P.

As you rightly say, if the situation does not change, it will get worse and worse.

For the game that I have in two days I only sold 2 tickets, in theory between 2/3 games I shouldn't have anyone left to sell them to. Of course I'm always talking about the V.I.P function which has nothing to do with selling through the forum.

it Federico
it Aglianese
il Numpty >> cuma haziran 2 - 12:00, Düzenlendi cuma haziran 2 - 12:10

I'm anticipating that a few other experienced user will give their view on how much it's getting worse over time. 

Given that you've taking that long to sell 2 tickets then it's entirely possible that the new buyer reset isn't happening. I believe the previous issue was fixed sometime around May last year, so we may have a build up of about a year where the reset has not be happening. 

However, with the primary method that I'm using to sell tickets I'm finding there are still plenty of potential new buyers who may or may not buy a ticket. So I guess I'm still waiting to see how things develop. 

This affects all users and not just VIP.

Everyone has the same restriction when selling tickets to new buyers.  If you find it difficult to sell to new buyers via VIP then everyone else will be having the same problem with selling to new buyers. 

The main difference with selling tickets through VIP advertising is that they only get advertised to new buyers. Whereas if you advertise on the forum or buy other users' tickets then you can also sell them to previous buyers which give fewer fans per ticket.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> pazar haziran 4 - 17:14

I think this is definitely getting worse. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
it Federico >> pazartesi haziran 5 - 14:17

What makes you think so?

it Federico
it Aglianese
il Numpty >> pazartesi haziran 5 - 17:35

My own tickets are taking longer to sell out.

I should have said that it does seem like it's getting worse. Not many other people are reporting a problem yet though. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
it Federico >> pazartesi haziran 5 - 19:44

For me doesn't need to be reported. It was a logic problem that you could image from the start. 

it Federico
it Aglianese
hr Kupus >> pazartesi haziran 5 - 19:54

This happened about 1 year ago. It will reset eventually where users already bought a ticket can buy it again.

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum