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İngilizce >> Öneriler

Kilitli New server ? (90)

au davo >> salı mayıs 19 - 00:43

The problem is that you seem to be comparing RS to the real world. No, in real life there is no way teams could fill 200,000 stadia and no, there is no way that an entire squad of players could be each worth $500m.

To use my team as an example:

There is also no way a massive club that fills their 200,000 stadium would only get $43m (5% of their income) per season in sponsorship, while paying $480m per season in maintenance of their facilities and $275m in wages. Nor would teams be paying hundreds of millions of dollars for players. Speaking of players, it is also not the case that every outfield player would progressively get better, peaking in their late 20s and then steadily decline. It is also not the case that the cost of treament for a player is directly linked to that player's wages or a club would pay tens of millions of dollars in treatment for a player.

The game is a game and it is not intended to mirror reality and arguing that it is, is like arguing that chess is stupid because there is no way that a Bishop could take out a Knight on horseback.

au davo
ca Alex Seymour >> salı mayıs 19 - 00:48

Though when I was a kid I thought Bishops in real life only walked diagonally.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
no Thor >> salı mayıs 19 - 01:40, Düzenlendi salı mayıs 19 - 01:45

You seem to be confused.

I am not comparing RS to the real World, what I am saying is it is not Football as we all know and love.

Seeing a 200,000 seater stadium in a football manager game to me is nonsense. It was only put in to please the long term managers. Same as FA and YA.

Sorry but I like a football game to be a bit more realistic. 

The game is a game and it is not intended to mirror reality and arguing that it is, is like arguing that chess is stupid because there is no way that a Bishop could take out a Knight on horseback.

A Bishop could, why couldn't he?

no Thor
eng holt >> salı mayıs 19 - 02:30, Düzenlendi salı mayıs 19 - 02:33

If you remove club takeovers and agents then this game is a (moderately) bloated version of real life Football and its financial inequalities.

@SamuelSirLee How would you describe realistic prizes?

When the game came out, Arsenal were almost able to buy a prime Suarez and Ozil for a combined 90 mil.Nowadays(before the Outbreak) players with half the skill would cost you 35 mil.

How would you compensate for the markup of prices by 200% in 6 seasons,forget 50?(While keeping the game competitive and not bringing in something radical like super-revenue generators)

Can't say anything about player prices cause I haven't thought of it.

If STs were as rare as you want them to be, how would you make sure that clubs have enough to live off and simultaneously have enough money to compete in their leagues?

Your primary motive seems to keep 'things under control' by keeping finances as low as possible.That's all well and good but it would require much more 'bound' and controlled algorithms and a much more fragile system than what we have now.In your case,the older managers would simply stock up on money and play the market, and there would be absolutely no hope for newbies to catch up.(even now,if you take over a club with 2 mil popularity,it would take you 2 real-life years to catch up)

Having more money in the game give the devs much more leeway in terms of managing the co-ordination of the various aspects of the game and allows them to make changes.

@Keju Something like max talent of 7.5 and max attribute of 9.

eng holt
ar Lumpen >> salı mayıs 19 - 04:01

@holt u have a nice point, if now the game takes 2 real life years to make a new player in an older team to rebuild it and catch up, how do y spect to have new players playing long term? i guess new server should have no more than 5 years and less level of facilities, and x2 building time probably. Game is not dinamic at all, once u reach certain point of YC and TC is very slow the growth until u have stocked some millions in the bank.

ar Lumpen
cn El Chalten
ar Lumpen >> salı mayıs 19 - 04:03

u cant spect a person to play forever a game as much as u cant spect to succed without new players. Even giving x3 building time d make sense in a 3 years server. Being more dinamic d make it much more suitable for new players

ar Lumpen
cn El Chalten
no Thor >> salı mayıs 19 - 04:07

In your case,the older managers would simply stock up on money and play the market, and there would be absolutely no hope for newbies to catch up.(even now,if you take over a club with 2 mil popularity,it would take you 2 real-life years to catch up)

Sorry but thats not right, I do not see any team catching up within 2 years. Where is a team going to get Billions of £ in todays version of RS???

If STs were as rare as you want them to be, how would you make sure that clubs have enough to live off and simultaneously have enough money to compete in their leagues?

Simple, buy and sell players, fill their stadiums. Why do you need a ST to make sure you have enough money? Supertalented players should be rare, thats what makes them special.

When the game came out, Arsenal were almost able to buy a prime Suarez and Ozil for a combined 90 mil.Nowadays(before the Outbreak) players with half the skill would cost you 35 mil.

How would you compensate for the markup of prices by 200% in 6 seasons,forget 50?(While keeping the game competitive and not bringing in something radical like super-revenue generators)

Sorry @Holt, I do not understand any of this. I have seen and played many other Football manager games and they have realistic prices so why not this game? The players value goes up and down with their star value, their talent, the skills they are trained in etc.

Having more money in the game give the devs much more leeway in terms of managing the co-ordination of the various aspects of the game and allows them to make changes.

Really?What sort of changes?

no Thor
au davo >> salı mayıs 19 - 06:07

@SamuelSirLee The Stadium 11 was always the highest level in the game. It was certainly there in September 2013 when I started playing the game.

The FA and the YA were supposedly put in to reduce the finances of the big clubs and, along with the starter advantages, to make it easier for small clubs to catch up. I argued that it wouldn't work and it would give big advantages to big clubs as well as destroying the transfer market - which it did.

au davo
eng Stephen >> salı mayıs 19 - 06:48

@Davo is right. I started in 2013 too. The only new buildings and/or levels that weren’t part of the original game are:

  1. Museum
  2. Office
  3. The YA/FA levels 1-6

(If I’ve forgotten or misremembered something I’m sure someone else will remind me!)

eng Stephen
Baş yönetici
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> salı mayıs 19 - 08:26, Düzenlendi salı mayıs 19 - 11:59

Regardless of whether any proposed changes to the game or indeed a new server would actually make a better game or not - the problem that exists is that any major changes or a second server risks completely wrecking the current game. 

For that reason alone I can't see it happening. 

In my view the top of the game is fine as it is. The fact that the top clubs have to manage their money carefully because of the increased costs is a good thing. There is an upper limit and they can't afford to go any further. 

The real problem with the game is that it takes far too long for any new players to catch up. Something needs to be done to address that issue without upsetting the balance at or near the top. 

The game must be able to attract new players and keep them. If not then it will still die, just very slowly.

Potential suggestions would be something like: 

  • longer, improved starters' bonus
  • lower construction costs, faster building times
  • downgrade the academies by lowering the youth Talent and/or xp, which effectively makes the gap smaller

But the current game must keep running more or less in it's current form or most of the long term users will be very unhappy. You can't just throw away 7 years of effort.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng holt >> salı mayıs 19 - 08:59

@SirSamuelLee Changes in the sense of introducing new buildings that actually do something, manual player-contract negociations,clauses in contract for match performance etc.(none of which have been implemented but still)

The problem isn't as much with STs as it is with their age.Give any guy an average 4.8 talent 14yr old and he would still be still laughing his way to the bank.

eng holt
no Thor >> salı mayıs 19 - 14:50

Sorry, I did just assume that the stadium went to level 10 as with the other facilities, seems even stranger now to go to 11 while the rest were capped at 10.

I do agree with most of you, the game is very unbalanced and really does cater for the big teams.

Maybe removing the restrictions for stadium upgrades will help the lower teams get more income. 

no Thor
au davo >> Çarşamba mayıs 20 - 00:29

Now that all the Big clubs have upgraded, I think they should reduce the cost of the stadium upgrades.

au davo
nl Aad Mansveld >> perşembe mayıs 21 - 18:34

This is not a game for quick succes. It costs me a lot of talents to sell to be able to put on level 11 stadium. I made the mistake building YA3 and TA 2 first. Getting lvl 11 stadium first is crucial. And it might take you 10 seasons to get the money. After building lvl 11 you have a choice in how to play the game. Build YA and sell your palyers and buy your 1st team on the market or build TA and buy young players and train them. Ot try a combi. 

The topteams spent a lot of years to get there. Its not fair to lower prices of buildings. Building faster ? PUt two staff in building the building. The game offers a lot of choice how to compete.  

A second server will destroy this server . A lot of new players will start playing the 2nd server. There are a lot of countries with almost mo humans you can start out and be competitive in a couple of seasons. Otherwise start in a low league and work yourself up. You will have fun for years doing it. You cant win cl here in a few years over here. Thats the charm of the game

nl Aad Mansveld
nl **** The Hague FC ****
no Thor >> perşembe mayıs 21 - 18:59

Sorry, but it will take a lot more than 10 seasons to get the money in todays RS for Stadium 11

How many seasons have you had your second team? They do not have stadium 11 yet and this is with VIP 3.

There are many teams that do not have VIP 3 and even those who do will not be able to get stadium 11 in 10 seasons.

A second server will destroy this server . A lot of new players will start playing the 2nd server. 

How will it destroy this server? nothing will change at all. The second sever would bring in lots of new users, lots will be paying VIP users as well. And with a little advertising on Twitter and Facebook (both Free) would get even more new paying VIP members.

People will always love the first server and new managers will want to prove themselves their. Every manager will have a team in both servers.

Simply RS would make more money with a sceond server.

no Thor