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İngilizce >> Futbol Dünyası

The worry about Coronavirus-2019 (198)

ru Ebitimi >> pazar mart 22 - 15:45
Even the best of the best researchers have are not even close to finding a drugs not to talk of herbalist.
ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
ro Andrei >> pazar mart 22 - 16:06
Actually, it seems they do have some drugs that do work. Favipiravir, for instance.
ro Andrei
lv Ar4ers >> pazar mart 22 - 17:13

Week ago mortality rate was 6% (closed cases) , today.... 13%

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
be Bartje_vM >> pazar mart 22 - 17:58

In Belgium the 'essential' businesses need to keep functioning. I am with the lucky ones who have to keep working. I am a mailman btw. I am not happy with it, because I am in a higher risk group (asthma).

Meanwhile, the government closed down it's borders. In The Netherlands, the situation seems to go from bad to worse today...

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
uy Awful >> pazar mart 22 - 18:04

 its getting worse !? thought worst was before 1-2 weeks !

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
nl Losing >> pazar mart 22 - 20:59

Depends on the country. In most of Europe, except for (hopefully) Italy, the worst has yet to come.

nl Losing
cn Loner >> pazar mart 22 - 23:59

For the average healthy person, the best prevention method is to wear a mask and wash hands frequently, which is a must.

cn Loner
hk Tsing Yu #5
hr Evil_C >> pazartesi mart 23 - 06:52

So, in the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown, Zagreb gets hit by a major earthquake, the biggest in a century and a half. On one hand, if this had happened on a regular day (and not so early in the morning), we'd have hundreds of casualties. On the other, people rushed out of their homes and forgot about all the precautions, so we could see the real consequences in a couple of weeks. Can't help but wonder wtf is coming next

hr Evil_C
hr DPH Podsused
eng holt >> pazartesi mart 23 - 08:23

@Elchidi All that it takes in such times is a hit in the immunity system to bring even the most healthy man to his knees.There's no point in rebelling against simple precautions when the consequences are grave.

eng holt
de bask >> pazartesi mart 23 - 10:10, Düzenlendi pazartesi mart 23 - 10:14

italy is collapsing.

everything is shutdown. i lose my job because we cannot work following the rules....( i work in a could ai serve meals? throwing plates at the tables?) eveyone is forced at home. we cannot go out even for vital shopping and who works in essential places ( hospitals transports gasoline markets) people outside is dressed like an nuclear holocaust.

we will never rise up.

i have to say italian government is totally s!!! know,,,,even if this awful situation they could find enough time to do politic speeches one against the other accusing to be incopetent . oh god. italy is like a ferrari driven by a blind donkey.


government is STILL THINKING if giving us, people who lose their job due to the virus, some money . 

but taxes never stops.

relax guys, no problem, we will find half italians hung in the garage,

de bask
cv Robur Praia
lv Ar4ers >> pazartesi mart 23 - 10:29

Whole world is collapsing 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
es Carrasco >> pazartesi mart 23 - 11:13


China has sent aid teams and medical supplies to Italy for weeks. However, it seems that the situation has not been improved, and according to media reports, the situation may be worse for some time. All European countries are too busy looking after themselves, and the European Union has not played a role.

es Carrasco
us Julie >> pazartesi mart 23 - 16:48

" The  will create the virus themselves and sell you the antidote. Thereafter,  they will pretend they will take time to find the solution when they already have it. " -----Muammar Gadaffi


Remember when I said earlier in this thread  that people wants to make profit so that they can see others go six feet.


us Julie