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İngilizce >> Müsabakalar

Champios League Africa [Season 3] (30)

pw Su >> pazartesi mayıs 20 - 05:23
Hi everyone!
What you think , who is the best team? who will be suprise?

My types to champion

I hope my team will fight hard :)
pw Su
ng 手术刀 >> pazartesi mayıs 20 - 06:34
I think African team strength difference is very small, we all have the chance to win the championship!
ng 手术刀
ng 手术刀 >> salı mayıs 21 - 08:58
In African Champions League,the really active players of 32 team is little, I hope more people can join the League of Nigeria or Africa League.welcome everyone.
ng 手术刀
pw Su >> cumartesi mayıs 25 - 07:09
i can't wait!!! it is super that we can achieve lot of money :)
pw Su
ng 手术刀 >> cumartesi mayıs 25 - 08:06
Yes, I am looking forward to play with other African countries with the top teams in the tournament.
I hope we meet in the top 4 or later, haha.
I think the first session of the African Champions League prize money will not be too high, perhaps, and the league prize almost?
ng 手术刀
pw Su >> cumartesi mayıs 25 - 08:47
hm for national cup round 1 i get 63k$ so i hope that win in group stage will be higher. Have you got any favorites? i want to improve my stadium to lv 3 and if I do not get to the final maybe i will host this final :)
pw Su
ng 手术刀 >> cumartesi mayıs 25 - 08:59
Yes I got $ 64 300 after round 1.Hope the Champions League prize money can be even higher.

It's good to start stadium 3, but only a few intercontinental tournament game will be arranged in a neutral stadium, so the income is not too much I If attendance is less than 1,500, I do not plan to upgrade it.
ng 手术刀
ng 手术刀 >> pazartesi mayıs 27 - 00:57
Very regrettable, Africa Champions League places arrangements unreasonable.
hope that next season, more players can participate in the Champions League.

Yes, a lot of new additions league this season can not participate in the Champions League, but next season, I believe you can join in, look forward to play with the African champions of each league.
ng 手术刀
es Arnauer >> pazartesi mayıs 27 - 21:05
Hey, following the championship this season. Hope to join next year! Good Luck! ;).
es Arnauer
ng 手术刀 >> salı mayıs 28 - 00:33
I believe that we all can play in the next season's Champions League ,and your team are the best one in your league Without a doubt!
ng 手术刀
pw Su >> salı mayıs 28 - 06:22
I hope there will more users and playing will be better :) i thing African Champions League will start together with European. Now , European CL is on 2nd qualification. it is yet 3rd qualification round an Playoffs and only group stage . I think African CL will be started for a week - two. I can't wait!!
pw Su
tg Oogie Man >> cuma mayıs 31 - 06:36
Well here in Togo ball season has started! We looking to put the great name of Togo high upon the mountains for all to see. Then blow that mountain up with the greatness of our play. :P

But really good luck to everyone in the African Leagues, let show em how to play some soccer!
tg Oogie Man