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İngilizce >> Sorular

National Teams for non-league countries (7)

pl Ace >> Çarşamba nisan 10 - 06:00
I have a player from Liechtenstein, but when I click on his national team, it says there isn't one. There is also no league in there. I was just wondering if there is a chance there will ever be a Liechtenstein national team, if there is enough players? Or is that not a condition...
pl Ace
nl Vincent de Boer >> Çarşamba nisan 10 - 12:05
Eventually we'll add leagues for all of the countries, but Liechtenstein will probably be one of the last...
nl Vincent de Boer
Baş geliştirici
nl Corniel >> Çarşamba nisan 10 - 12:56
Well Andorra and Macau have there own. And when there are enough generated (both by humans as by the system), like with Trinidad and Tobago there can be a NT without a competition.
nl Corniel
sco Arno Wiersma >> Çarşamba nisan 10 - 16:40, Düzenlendi Çarşamba nisan 10 - 16:41
A national team is formed when there are at least 18 players (if I recall correctly) with that nationality. Liechtenstein seems to have a smaller number of active players.

When Liechtenstein starts a league, there will be a national team. Also if Switserland and Austrian leagues grow a lot, a team from Liechtenstein might form, as in new teams players may be generated from neigbouring countries.

It is fun to see Andorra kick off though. I seems Vincent has succesfully launched a promotion campagin there! ;)
sco Arno Wiersma
nl Vincent de Boer >> Çarşamba nisan 10 - 19:22
Yes, we spread a lot of flyers in the streets of Andorra and it paid off!
nl Vincent de Boer
Baş geliştirici
es Maragator >> Çarşamba nisan 10 - 19:30
Spanish people, they don't want play with us :)
es Maragator
es Real Astorga
us Ulysses >> Çarşamba nisan 10 - 21:08, Düzenlendi Çarşamba nisan 10 - 21:09
I somehow started off with two players from the Ghanaian national team before they had a league.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC