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Start again to incrase TV revenues? (7)

lv Tamaz >> salı ağustos 27 - 15:40

Start again to incrase TV revenues?

For big superclubs that money would not make any difference, but for those who are trying hard to collect money to try again to catch up the big oligarchs, wud be happy to get few millions more by tv revenues

lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
lv Tamaz >> pazar eylül 1 - 08:21

Ok. I see...

lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
eng holt >> pazar eylül 1 - 12:32

It's subjective as only teams with an established farming system(TC&YC<=10) can make enough profits to still develop their team.However I would vouch for a gradual increase in TV Revenues.

eng holt

Team's with 10/10 TC/YC are already making a lot of money plus interest, 6.2 talents cost just 150m, won't be hard for them to get 500m per season,  upgrading FA and buying those talents within 5 season, develop them, catching up is no longer hard I think..

But trying to play the long strategy is always a big task.. 

ee Ryan >> pazar eylül 1 - 19:04

Owner of such club here. No it is not possible to generate such revenue anymore, even youngsters with 6+ potential sell for nothing and even bots won't buy them. Only with a Youth Academy you can generate good revenue from pulls. 

ee Ryan
nl Joost >> pazar eylül 1 - 19:28

Ryan, your team still has to develop in TC and stadium before it will reach the profitability Don refers to. I agree with Don that 500 million a year profit is a peace of cake when a team is fully in order to make the maximum of profit.

nl Joost
eng holt >> pazartesi eylül 2 - 10:31

So would it make more sense to split/compartmentalise the revenues according to popularity?

eng holt