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İngilizce >> Sorular

Versatile defender as DM (7)

ro Funky Grandma >> cuma ağustos 14 - 12:49, Düzenlendi cuma ağustos 14 - 12:59

Has anyone experimented with having a versatile defender (possibly with long-shots), playing him as a DM? What do people think of this?

I wonder if it's more viable than spending a midfielder's resources on both his passing and his duelling... Just focus on the duelling and give him versatile.

(I realise that his star-value will appear very low in the match analysis, but that's not going to affect the match-engine result)

ro Funky Grandma
il Numpty >> cuma ağustos 14 - 13:48, Düzenlendi cuma ağustos 14 - 14:14

Versatile on a DM will give him Scoring and not Passing. 

So a DM with lots of Duelling and no Passing - then Versatile will give him zero Scoring (which comes from his Passing).


Just to be clear. It's the playing position that counts for Versatile, not the kind of player that the game says he is. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ro Funky Grandma >> cuma ağustos 14 - 15:57, Düzenlendi cuma ağustos 14 - 16:00

@Numpty: That's what I am uncertain about really. Are you sure that's how it is when it comes to how Versatile works? What makes you think that it's the position and not the type of player?


Ah, nevermind, you're right judging by the explanation of Versatile here:

Thank you for the response! :)

ro Funky Grandma
il Numpty >> cuma ağustos 14 - 16:36

Yes, it's in the Help. 

I guess if it worked the way you hoped it did then everyone would train their DMs that way. 

That's not to say that a DM with loads of Duelling is not a bad idea. They just can't pass very well. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
be Angeldust >> cuma ağustos 14 - 17:00

I think it was discussed when Versatile was introduced that this would indeed overpower DMs. 

I guess Vandermeersch won't be playing DM against me in de Cupfinal this evening!? :-)

be Angeldust
ro Funky Grandma >> cuma ağustos 14 - 23:47, Düzenlendi cuma ağustos 14 - 23:47


You guessed right :)

I tried to come up with a good solution, but I lost all the simulated matches with everything that I tried.

Well deserved win, congratulations! ^^

And congrats on the double too!

ro Funky Grandma
be Angeldust >> cumartesi ağustos 15 - 21:29

Thanks, appreciate it! 
Glad to see a good manager take over a team in the Belgian league. 

be Angeldust