Hong Kong ligi sezon 62

Forum: Ligler rss-feed

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租借给外国人,范文备份 (2)

hk 国王护卫者 >> pazar aralık 11 - 01:46, Düzenlendi pazar aralık 11 - 22:15
Hello, thank you for loaning my player XXX. Here are some rules you should follow.
1,Play as many friendly matches as possible.
2,Play all league matches, national cup, and U21 cup.
3,If possible, don't let him play U21 matches until he has got the maximum possible EXP from matches(League matches give more than U21). After that you can let him play U21 matches as well.
If the player has injured, feel free to PM me.
hk 国王护卫者
cn 弗格森 >> cumartesi temmuz 29 - 14:10


cn 弗格森