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Tiếng Anh >> Thảo luận chung

The first tournament in Rocking Soccer:) (31)

pw Niko >> thứ sáu tháng 4 26 - 06:25
I see that more and more eager for the tournament:)
pw Niko
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-23
ar Gabrielorco >> thứ sáu tháng 4 26 - 21:10
@Niko: It could be a good idea.
@Ruud VanNistelrooy: I like the suggestion. I would add something to make the tournament more fair:
Only teams whose 11 best players have a value between X and Y. (Eg: 2,5star-3star) So, only teams with similar values ​​and equal chance of winning can participate.
Because, if not, the founder would always chose the weakest team in order to win the other credits.
ar Gabrielorco
Ma mới
Đăng ký2012-12-19
pw Niko >> thứ sáu tháng 4 26 - 21:14
I agree, we will create equal competition for all (at least I try to):)
pw Niko
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-23
sco Scotland1983 >> thứ sáu tháng 4 26 - 22:07
i would always field the strongest team i have at the time but i just have 24 players just now to have quality and high prospects to cut on wages so i can save up i cant guarantee i can have 11 2.5 star players for each match and by that point some of my first team players will be higher then 3 stars for sure my current only really good keeper is at exactly 3 stars already if i have injuries especially to goalkeeping it would be 2 star keeper or that region i predict but i can always have a hard to beat team with tough tactics to beat in offense and defensive style:)
sco Scotland1983
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-02-09
pl Ace >> thứ bảy tháng 4 27 - 05:41, Đã sửa thứ bảy tháng 4 27 - 06:19
The argument risen elsewhere seems valid to me. There is not much time for tournaments during the season, but you can always try it.
Someone should run the signing in and he should schedule the games and the players should arrange friendlies between one another.
The only question that remains is will there be any need to do so when the Champions League starts.

Guys, I can help you out. I can be the secretary and run the resultz spreadsheet with Google docs since I wilk not participate. There is not much time between seasons do I propose eight participants at first
pl Ace
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-02-09
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理 >> thứ ba tháng 7 2 - 07:08
I hope admin can add tournament system in this game at next season.
We can play eachother from diffrent contries. :-)
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-03-04
nl Corniel >> thứ ba tháng 7 2 - 07:19
It's a nice gesture, but I'm out. I play a full schedule, with league, cup and CL, and my players need some rest too. Hopefully this will be a nice extra for people who don't play continental.
nl Corniel
Ma mới
Đăng ký2012-12-18
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理 >> thứ ba tháng 7 2 - 07:33
@Corniel Ofcause no fitness consume,no injuries in tournament.
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-03-04
eng spence >> thứ ba tháng 7 2 - 14:50
i think we should have a tournament!
eng spence
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-07-01
ar Ivan >> thứ ba tháng 7 2 - 17:27
is a good idea for users who do not participate in Intercontinental Cups ... I am in the 3rd division of my country and I have much to get into those cups ... so I agree to do a tournament for amateur and are just beginning and we have enough time to play games ...
ar Ivan
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-05-07
fr TONTONKAL >> thứ ba tháng 7 2 - 18:04
I like the idea. I would pay credits to participate. It should be a charity tournament open to anyone (no star value limit). There are many many players not qualified for champions league or national cups. Players should gain limited experience per game (200-300 ?). Prize pool should be a small part of overall credits spent and we could do something with the rest?
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-05-30
eng James >> thứ ba tháng 7 2 - 18:47
This would be geat instead of preseason friendlies, but it could be compulsory (free entry) and you only get credits for watching the matches.
eng James
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-03-17
fr jonkrebs >> thứ tư tháng 7 3 - 06:45, Đã sửa thứ tư tháng 7 3 - 06:45
The idea of preseason friendly tournament is really cool :)

It could be that a team who wants to organize one has to pay a certain credits for this (depending on the number of teams in the tournament?) and will decide which other teams to invite. To team who organize could also decide how much prize money there is at the tournament.

So you will say, ok but it will cost credits and money to the organizing team?
Yes, but the gain would be first of all the tickets money as all matches could be in its stadium. And a gain in popularity by organizing the tournament.

And for the invited teams, it could use a few credits, or friendly credits, or even free.
fr jonkrebs
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-04-10
us Ulysses >> thứ tư tháng 7 3 - 18:54
I would be interested.
us Ulysses
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-02-07
us Polar Bear Council FC
fr Tompot >> thứ tư tháng 7 3 - 19:33
I also like the idea and would participate for sure.

The better project in my opinion is the one from TONTONKAL,with a fee for participating (credits or money). I do not think the organizing team should be the only one giving something...It would be like in Poker, you put something to participate and the winner get the pot ! Of course one could ask the organizing manager to put more on the pot to avoid having thousand of tournaments created and never filled.

On the other side, idea of giving experience to the players is not bad, but should be minimal, even less than 200XP per game. It is no official tournament but friendlies. And then maybe one should put then a limit of 1 tournament per season and per team.
fr Tompot
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-03-14