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Tiếng Anh >> Thảo luận chung

The problem of skyrocketing wages(1.24 billion Euro) (111)

ca Alex Seymour >> thứ hai tháng 9 14 - 18:04

I think the wage problem is on purpose and actually quite clever. You have to engage brain on who you are buying in and see if the guy is worth it in the long run.

It stops the monster keepers/players lasting forever.

ca Alex Seymour
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-02
ca Hamilton FC
gr PMK >> thứ hai tháng 9 14 - 18:24

Very very sad...

gr PMK
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-09-20
ee Taavi >> thứ hai tháng 9 14 - 19:09

I think this is mostly a GK only problem though

ee Taavi
Quản trị cộng đồng
Đăng ký2014-01-17
ee FC Pusa
au davo >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 01:34

He's not on the shortlist for China's NT anymore.

There is something wrong with the match engine if it does things like this. There definitely needs to be a cap introduced on wages, and not just for massive ST players.

Wage costs is going to be a serious problem for teams in the future, as is the unrealistic injury healing costs.

I cannot imagine how annoying it would be to score a ST with that kind of talent, only to see his wages rise to a ludicrous $26m per week and have to sack him.

au davo
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-08-27
ca Alex Seymour >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 01:41

Davo, it sucks but the skill would be in selling him at the right time.

ca Alex Seymour
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-02
ca Hamilton FC
fr mr. bin >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 02:12

Add this on top of the problem where GKs will be improving blockings after turned 47, like him https://rockingsoccer.com/zh/soccer/info/player-826576. What a disaster of the game design in terms of GKs. 

fr mr. bin
Người dùng
Đăng ký2014-05-07
lv Tamaz >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 03:15, Đã sửa thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 03:16


Just funny game... 

And the guy was trying to sell him for 2kkk

Dude.just sell him for lowest price possible (before the season start he was trying) some fool wud  buy him anyways

lv Tamaz
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-07-20
lv Football Club Skonto
lv Tamaz >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 03:17

alex.. the first team did.. after first season.

lv Tamaz
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-07-20
lv Football Club Skonto
in Keju >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 05:02

Its sad that such a great player is lost but...

I think this represents a step in the right direction . The addition of Youth Academy / football academy had two purposes:

  1. Remove money from the game/move money around in the game.
  2. Make the game interesting for the teams at the top

Before the Ya/Fa update the biggest teams (yc/tc 10,stad11) just kept hoarding money until they saw a supertanlent on the market.Everyone knew  the way the to win and this killed interest.

now no one knows the best setup.there are so many combinations to deciding your facilities and players because the increased costs can bankrupt you.You need to find the perfect comprimise . you cant have a ya/fa 5 and top players.According to me this makes the game more realistic and fair. Imagine the case where you can have max facilities and players.How is that different from before??

in Keju
Người dùng
Đăng ký2014-01-24
in Bengaluru FC
au davo >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 07:53

@Keju. I agree with the sentiment, but this case is too extreme. It is not a matter of making choices, there can never be any decision other than to fire a player earning $26m per week. I just about break even and my total player and staff wages is only $8m per week.

au davo
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-08-27
gr mafia gr >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 10:52

i agree@ Real kellyville. Thats a step to far. i 've been playing this game for far too long to know thats very wrong!! i try to build my team year after year orthologically and when you think " ok i i have hit the jackpot " with this kinda of player , well....you have to fire him!!! Thats absurd!! The developers should do something. Otherwise cassandras are gonna be right about where the game is heading...

gr mafia gr
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-08-03
mt Falcon fc
cn 游戏倒闭咯 >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 11:26

I estimate that he lost five billion dollars, which is ridiculous. If I were him, I would lose all confidence

cn 游戏倒闭咯
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-11-11
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 12:35, Đã sửa thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 12:49
the wage structure is really not working properly, especially gk.
A single Player earn more than top facilities,
no club would be able to pay those wages.,
the whole intentional update to the game was a greedy one.
eng Stephen >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 13:40, Đã sửa thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 13:43

Why was it ‘greedy’, @Don-x? I don’t understand what you’re saying.

The update was designed to get rid of excess money from the game. It’s done that. I don’t hear anyone complaining about having too much money and not being able to win the transfer lotteries for the best supertalents in the game. I think there are more chances to win than before, though I accept that this is only after teams have spent the necessary time getting to stadium 11 first. 

As for wages, I’m still trying to work out what is affordable for me versus what facilities I can have. I doubt I’ll upgrade mine any further, to be honest.

eng Stephen
Quản trị chung
Đăng ký2013-08-28
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 13:45, Đã sửa thứ ba tháng 9 15 - 13:47

Vincent obviously gets all the money from these wages which is why he can afford to retire. 

He's sunning himself on a private Carribbean island as we speak.  

il Numpty
Người dùng
Đăng ký2018-10-19
eng Heath Hornets