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Tiếng Anh >> Hỏi đáp

High starting prize on the transfermarket (11)

nl Joost >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 15:56

As far as I know it is possible to set the asking price for a player on the transfermarket 2.5 times higher than the value of the player. However, regularly I see on the transfermarkt a player which is put on the transferlist much more than this 2.5 times. 

How does this work practically?

nl Joost
Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-30
ro Funky Grandma >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 16:05, Đã sửa thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 16:07

Once the player is placed on the market for a particular value (let's say $XXX.XX), players bid for him, with bids ranging from lower_value = $XXX.XX - some amount (don't know how the amount is calculated exactly) to upper_value = XXX.XX + some ammount. Once there are at least 5 bids, the 6th bid takes the bidding into the next stage, where the lower_value and upper_value are increased and the previous 5 bids are discarded. The 11th bid will do the same, and so on. There is a cap on the bidding rounds (not sure how that works exactly), where on the last round, the lower and upper values aren't increased any more and you can get any number of teams bidding.

That way, a player might be placed on the market for a certain value and there can be an initial upper value close to 2.5 of his market value, but if there's a lot of demand for that player, people will be allowed to bid more.

ro Funky Grandma
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-03-28
nl Joost >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 16:09

Funky Grandma, I am speaking about a starting price. For example 2 billion with no bid yet.

nl Joost
Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-30
Asking price from help file

The initial price you can ask for your players depends on the market value of your player. You always needs to ask at least 33% of the market value, but the procentual maximum depends on the value of your player. It ranges from 125% of the market value for cheap players up to 250% for players with a market value above 1 million US dollar.

nl Joost >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 17:32

Don, this is the explanation  for 2.5 times, however how it is possible that sometimes people have a starting prices higher than 2.5 times.

nl Joost
Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-30
il Numpty >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 18:27, Đã sửa thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 18:28

As an experienced manager I'm assuming that @Joost would be aware of the basics of transfer listing prices.

It's not something that I've noticed myself, so I have a couple of questions.

1. Is there a particular price range where you've seen this happen?

2. Can you point us to some players that were on the transfer market recently.

il Numpty
Người dùng
Đăng ký2018-10-19
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joost >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 19:56, Đã sửa thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 19:57

It occurred a few times with a quite young player but already with maximum value. I don't remember there names, but what I could remember is that one of the two/three had a flag that looked like Australia, Montserrat etc.

I did not see it with other kind of players and it happens really once in a while. Maybe next transferperiod I can spot one more, however on that moment I can't put them here while it would be an advertisement.

nl Joost
Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-30
il Numpty >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 20:05

Well this is just a guess, but it would make sense if there is no upper limit on the asking price for players who have already reached the $500 million maximum.

I never look at those kind of prices, so would explain why I haven't noticed.

il Numpty
Người dùng
Đăng ký2018-10-19
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joost >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 20:12

Could be it :) just always had the rules in my mind.

nl Joost
Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-30
nl Koen >> thứ hai tháng 3 30 - 22:40

There is a maximum, it is around 2,2B euro's, which would be around 2,5B RSD. Which comes down to 5 times marketvalue. Back in the day, when player prices where extremely high, that was occasionally a reasonable price. So I guess that's why it was possible to list for such a high amount. I don't know which players can be put on the market for such an asking price, but the player has to have maximum marketvalue. I don't know if age is a factor.

nl Koen
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-03-21

Joost seems I have seen something like that before, but I will have to confirm, just as you said.

What koen said made me to recall this.