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Tiếng Anh >> Thảo luận chung

any innovation should be made (44)

tr furkan >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 00:18

we started to think we were abandoned now ...

I demand an innovation even if it is very simple

tr furkan
Người dùng
Đăng ký2014-03-31
az Sabirabad
hr Kupus >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 01:20

You are non-VIP user, playing the game for free and you make demands?

Although we all hope for development your attitude and lack of common sence is amazing.

hr Kupus
Quản trị cộng đồng
Đăng ký2015-10-14
de Regnum Croatorum
tr furkan >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 01:48

1- I think your attitude is very wrong, there is nobody to be a vip

2- The game can not only continue this business with money from vip users, but also have to earn money from advertisements. For this, non-vip users are also required. otherwise, vip advantages would be made more

tr furkan
Người dùng
Đăng ký2014-03-31
az Sabirabad
no Thor >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 02:55

Why so rude @Kupus

As an admin you really should be nicer to fellow managers.

So non VIP are not allowed a say? Do you pay for the game or does Vincent give you free VIP?

no Thor
Ma mới
Đăng ký2019-07-21
ua Kalle >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 06:27

@Furkan demanding is a bit harsh.

Innovations will not happen, get used to the game as it is, it will not change in the near future.

ua Kalle
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-06-19
nl PEC Zwolle
hk RayquazaXD >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 07:55

@Kupus pathetic admin. A good suggestion would be that Vincent asks himself what type of admins have the game nowadays. But sure this won't happen ;), take advantage of your power.

Although we all hope for a good administration but your attitude and lack of common sence is amazing.

hk RayquazaXD
Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-01-27
il Numpty >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 07:56

'Furkan' - Informal British adjective. Used as a standard measure of excess and usually used in units of two. 

For example: Two Furkan demanding. 


il Numpty
Người dùng
Đăng ký2018-10-19
eng Heath Hornets
ua Kalle >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 08:11

@Numty, don't know if you are keeping records, but count a +1 for not getting your humor ;-)

ua Kalle
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-06-19
nl PEC Zwolle
hr Kupus >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 08:41, Đã sửa thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 08:42


It has nothing to do with being VIP or not. VIP has not the right to make anymore demands than a non-VIP.

But, to enjoy a service that is for free and then use the term "demand" is disrespectful considering the time and cost the developers are facing keeping the service up and running.

Servers cost money to keep running. Any minute spent in the game is one minute less being spent elsewhere to earn money to feed ones family.

Your "demand" is just not fair to the developers in my opinion. Instead "kindly ask" or similiar would be more appropiate.


What powers are you talking about specifically?

There is an admin community and some head admins. The roles are different in terms of what each person can do. However, most actions are discussed in a specific admin forum before exectued.

The admins are spending substantial time keeping this game clean, especially looking for cheating users via muiltiple accounts and transfer reviews. A service you enjoy to have a smooth free experience.

I stick by my irritation when people that enjoys a service for free makes demands on that service. That is very disrespectful and something I will never support.

@Sir Samuel Lee

All admins receive a VIP1 for the service they provide. I as you can see I have VIP3 which means I´m paying in addition for the extra service but even more to support the game.

I don´t believe anyone has the right to make demands on further development. Then for a person that enjoys the service for free to do so is disrespectful. The only difference between a free account and VIP account is that VIP should be able to expect that current VIP services are working as promised.

We can all ask for further development, that has been done on numerous cases.

This however has nothing to do with the thread topic. You seem to have a lot of questions about admins lately. I propose you take some time to read through the available help and support sections to see if it is responded there. If you have more questions you are welcome to send those to the admin team via the help section.

hr Kupus
Quản trị cộng đồng
Đăng ký2015-10-14
de Regnum Croatorum
hk RayquazaXD >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 08:50

@Kupus maybe you can understand more the fact that furkan is turk. Sadly, in other countries we don't have the same english education like Sweden. In the glorious DPRK we don't have a good english level like in Turkey.

Pretty sure that Furkan wanted to say "I ask for innovations" or "I would like to see innovations". Probably he doesn't want to "demand" for something. The only one who can demand, is the glorious leader. But you, occidental boy, live in your bubble. 

hk RayquazaXD
Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-01-27
eng holt >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 09:03

Aha lets go again

I like how tone-deaf everyone is here,not considering the possiblity that furkan's first language may not be English due to which the message comes off as blunt.

@Kupus This discussion has taken place plenty of times.It is the intrinsic right of each user, to demand changes to features in a game/service as and when he feels it's necessary, as the user makes a concious effort to atleast invest his time in it.(if not his money)

I don't think anyone undervalues the effort that admins in general,put into the game and this also applies for the VIPs since they make up the majority of game revenue,but that doesn't take away anything from the other users who make up the majority of the user population.

What I do disagree on however,is the place where this was posted.This isn't a suggestion by any means whatsoever.

eng holt
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-05-18
ua Garfman >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 09:10

@Ray Aren't you doing exactly the same you are saying that Kupus is doing? Ie. assuming what someone meant? And also assuming that Kupus lives in a bubble?

Its exactly such assumptions that make it harder to communicate and find some common ground. Perhaps its better to try and understand each other, and look for that common ground, rather than trying to amplify our differences?

In essence, we all want this game to improve and become better, right? How that will happen, each has their own opinions on that, no doubt.

Unfortunately the current reality is that its unlikely there will be any innovations and/or changes in the near future. Personally, as much I'd like to see some improvement, I can accept that, because I still get a lot of fun out of this game.

ua Garfman
Đứng đầu quản trị cộng đồng
Đăng ký2013-02-08
ph Garfman FC
il Numpty >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 09:28, Đã sửa thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 09:57

To be fair I think @Ray does have a good point. 

When writing in a language which is not your own it can be difficult to get the tone right and also use words that don't always convey the intended meaning.  

With that in mind the correct response is not to assume or interpret the meaning before checking with the original poster. 

Either way can we all please refrain from personal attacks and insults. It's just not helpful. 

As to the use of the word 'demand'. In English this is generally considered impolite and a little rude and very different to asking or requesting something. However, in French, for instance, 'demander' is more of a request without any implied insistence. The difference is subtle but important.   

Child to mother (in order of politeness):

1. Please can I have the apple? - Of course, darling. 

2. I would like the apple -  Okay. 

3. Can I have the apple? - You should say please. 

4. Give me the apple - No. Please ask nicely.

5. I demand the apple -  Please don't talk to your mother like that. 

6. Give me the effing apple - Go to your room. Your father will deal with you. 

il Numpty
Người dùng
Đăng ký2018-10-19
eng Heath Hornets
ua Garfman >> thứ ba tháng 5 26 - 09:38

Apologies if I did not make that clear. I do agree with the point, just not with the assumption, because the only one who actually knows whether he meant to say 'demand' is Furkan himself. So to assume either way would be presumptuous.

ua Garfman
Đứng đầu quản trị cộng đồng
Đăng ký2013-02-08
ph Garfman FC