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Tiếng Anh >> Hỏi đáp

schedule for countries that do not have coach (5)

pw Su >> thứ sáu tháng 5 17 - 15:33
Hi! i have question.
I bought a player who play in national team. So problem is that his national team have no match because there isn't a coach. I would like to national team have a schedule. Is that true that instead of really player coach will be a BOT- coach. I would like to wish my footballer had 1000xp per national match...
pw Su
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-23
nl Vincent de Boer >> thứ sáu tháng 5 17 - 15:39
If your team has no matches it's because it was created halfway during the season, not because it has no coach. Next year this team will also play matches.
nl Vincent de Boer
Lập trình viên trưởng
Đăng ký2012-10-15
pw Su >> thứ bảy tháng 5 18 - 06:00, Đã sửa thứ bảy tháng 5 18 - 06:03
And My player , who i bought yesterday , will have no experience for
no schedule? If somebody will be a coach of TOGO then this country will play in this season?. I heard that schedule match will be for some time.
pw Su
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-23
pw Su >> thứ bảy tháng 5 18 - 06:18
Can you create a schedule match for TOGO?
It is meaningless - My footballer can't play in my matches because he is in "national team" , and he would not play, and he does not get 1000 points. I would like to get 1000xp or my footballer will be avaible for match..
pw Su
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-23
nl Vincent de Boer >> thứ bảy tháng 5 18 - 06:32
Hi Su,

this has nothing to do with there being a coach for Togo or not. Togo was created halway during the season so they don't play matches this year. They will play matches next year.
nl Vincent de Boer
Lập trình viên trưởng
Đăng ký2012-10-15