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Tiếng Anh >> Hỏi đáp

Market (7)

cy MAKAROS >> thứ bảy tháng 10 12 - 16:13, Đã sửa thứ bảy tháng 10 12 - 16:33

earlier in the player search market there was a list of situation players in different teams!

did you take it out or i don't see it?

Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-26
it Echo >> thứ bảy tháng 10 12 - 17:58

Are you talking about the players available for transfer request?

You only see the list if you don't specify the "transfer type" in the search criteria, maybe you specified to  search for transfer or loan?

it Echo
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-05-23
cy MAKAROS >> thứ bảy tháng 10 12 - 19:03

below the list of players available for transfer was a list of the status of players from different teams available for transfer and did not need their team.

that's why I'm talking

A few hours ago it existed and this list does not exist now!

Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-26
it Echo >> chủ nhật tháng 10 13 - 08:40

There is "type of transfer"  or something like that in the scout office options. Yuo can choose "transfer" or "loan" or you can leave it blank. Yf you leave it blank you can see the list of the players with some status. If you choose one of the options you don't see that list.

it Echo
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-05-23
cy MAKAROS >> chủ nhật tháng 10 13 - 13:25

I repeat because some people didn't understand me!

in the market below the list of players offered for transfer the loan was listed as one which looked at which players were available for transfer from other teams without making it available.

this list does not exist right now!

Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-26
it Echo >> chủ nhật tháng 10 13 - 13:38

Leave blank the type of transfer option and the list will come back again.

It's not so difficult.

it Echo
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-05-23
cy MAKAROS >> chủ nhật tháng 10 13 - 15:06

yes i see it now thanks a lot

Người dùng
Đăng ký2016-06-26