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Season 54 (13)

at Tuneman >> thứ tư tháng 8 26 - 19:04

Looking forward to the new season ! 

Could be a close one (except Austria Vienna and Wiener Philharmoniker)

at Tuneman
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-07-31
pt Mourinho Roma SSR >> thứ năm tháng 8 27 - 12:59

I believe you will earn a place in big 4 this season, SC Pernegg!

pt Mourinho Roma SSR
Ma mới
Đăng ký2019-12-25
at Tuneman >> thứ năm tháng 8 27 - 19:45

Hi ! I will try hard, but I'm not so confident - time will show !

at Tuneman
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-07-31
ee Balthazor >> thứ hai tháng 8 31 - 18:58

Looks like I have another similar season as most of last ones: somebody buys lot of strong oldies, earns promotion and then will sell whole squad right after promotion without trying to get any points. Are they just hunting bigger attendances for stadium upgrades? When I go for promotion, I have at least plan to trying survive there or I try to avoid promotion, when I'm clearly not ready.

After some more seasons here down I probably have to sel most of my players and start with new generation, this one seems never to be ready for League 1 level.

ee Balthazor
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-01
ee Dünamo Tallinn
pt Mourinho Roma SSR >> thứ ba tháng 9 1 - 00:34

oldies are simply the new trend of RS...because they are cost-effective

Stadium upgrades are so important, the revenue generated are simply too high for higher level statdium, thats why it is reasonable for them to do so.

pt Mourinho Roma SSR
Ma mới
Đăng ký2019-12-25
ee Balthazor >> thứ ba tháng 9 1 - 19:42

Originally oldies had relatively high wages to make them money-eaters and force teams to developing, there was also age limit 31 or 32, when player's market value dropped to 0 and you couldn't sell him any more. At some moment banks were introduced as players in that age were useable, there were couple of star value and price reforms too. 

With my first team I hoped that my ST mid (was #2 mid in Estonian NT after legendary Kuusk) will carry team over non-buying period to save money for stadium, but he still aged too quickly and I had no adequate successor to replace him. Team of oldies will never bring any profit from market as their MV only drops. Both my teams have based on youth development and promoting/selling. I very rarely buy some "ready" player because of high price and usually they haven't been worth it, they didn't make expected change.  My last bad experience was with my first team, when in relegation danger I bought on midseason window 2 mids who seemed to be ok, but they couldn't bring me single additional point comparing to first half, with them I got same points as without them and -25M after selling them. Ofcourse they couldn't save me from relegation too. Now team is back in L1, but clearly too early and will go down again probably with some negative records for club.

I suspect that I have to make some refresh after this season- several players are 26-27 and can't develop further, but losing their value. Meanwhile I have some bad youth seasons and some more promising players are 16 at the moment. So my big hoped comeback will wait probably some 10 more seasons.

ee Balthazor
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-01
ee Dünamo Tallinn
at Tuneman >> thứ bảy tháng 9 19 - 09:06


half way done in Season 54 and it looks good for you to get back to L1 :-)

at Tuneman
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-07-31
ee Balthazor >> thứ hai tháng 9 21 - 19:04

Main goal of next season will be stadium. Only money over its cost can be used for reinforcements and that is not very much(about 175M at the moment). 

ee Balthazor
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-01
ee Dünamo Tallinn
cn 神话 >> thứ ba tháng 9 22 - 17:25

I think my player can help you to reinforcement.

cn 神话
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-10-04
at FC Barcelona
ee Balthazor >> thứ tư tháng 9 23 - 16:56

Somewhere at the end of season I'll analyze situation and then decide which part of team needs most desperately repairing. It's obvious, that I can't buy whole new team, as stadium is priority #1. 

ee Balthazor
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-01
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> thứ tư tháng 10 14 - 04:30

How the hell Gekos lost their playoffs?

ee Balthazor
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-01
ee Dünamo Tallinn
at Tuneman >> thứ năm tháng 10 15 - 11:12

was a little but surprising for me...

btw: Welcome back to League 1 

at Tuneman
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-07-31
ee Balthazor >> thứ bảy tháng 10 17 - 10:51

Gekos' bad luck should increase my chances of surviving as I had no chances against him in previous playoffs. Meanwhile Detector Harbor has ambition to get at least some points, most probably against me, not selling whole team right after promotion, and that is just positive. It would be very boring season to know exactly that you will earn 12 points against u18 team and zero against others, now that 12 is not guaranteed, but maybe my little additions will bring some points against top 8 teams too. 

ee Balthazor
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-01
ee Dünamo Tallinn