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Season 39 (1)

ca Ron >> thứ sáu tháng 7 6 - 04:43

Time to Bitch again:

It's sad that YC1 youths are now essentially useless...I feel bad for teams trying to peedle level 10 youths...How can teams upgrade and even have the chance to compete now...With the 2 or 3 bots in our League it hurts us...For myslef...People have said ' seel your players and take a step back ' except that dropping back to League 2 means income is cut in half and based on what I have in costs I can't survive....I suggested implementing a loan system where teams need say 30% down to upgrade starting at level 10 and must pay 10% a year of the debt...For a Level 10 stadium that would mean 120 mill up front plus at least 38 million in payments the 1st year...That would allow teams to upgrade while still limiting thier abilities to purchase players etc....This game is supposed to mimic real life football but last time I checked when Man U or Real Madrid needed an upgrade they didn't cut a cheque for 1 billion....Everything is financed...Anyway just spit balling and a bit frustrated at spinning my wheels...

ca Ron
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-12-26
bo Tupiza FC