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H37 (88)
Head randomiõnne kõigile uueks hooajaks!
Asi läheb siin väga karmiks, Defensor Sporting on supertalendi müügi eest ostnud rea ohtlikke vanureid. Keda mul veel edestada siin?
Pakuks et Torrese endist klubi :D. On müünud paar põhimeest kes vananemas ning asemele ostetud pole võrreldaval tasemel. Hiljemalt 3 hooaja jooksul lõpetab vähemalt ühe hooaja tagumises paaris aga võimalik et juba tänavu. Ei suutnud ka eelmine hooaeg Torreselt päritud meestega medalikonkurentsis tõsiselt olla ning üks hetk on kogu see pärand 30+.
Kosmosega on sul suht sama klassi mängijad ning viimased hooajad oled tast enamasti eespool lõpetanud. Tartut hoiab sust eespool see kasahhi ründaja ning neil on mitu tähte vanusega välja kukkunud. Ka Alkohoolikud vahetavad põlvkonda ja neid võib värku alt vedada nagu esimeses mängus juhtus juba. Anomaaliat hoiab üleval koondise kaitsepaar aga muidu ta pole sust tugevam. Defensori ostetud staarid on vanad ja ei pruugi kesta tervet hooaega.
Kui saaksid omale ühe staarründaja siis peaks top5 olema täiesti reaalne. Pusa, Veenus ja Haapsalu peaks olema teistest üle ning vb Defensor konkureerib ka nendega kuid võib olla ka tagumise paari liige lõpuks. Neljandast alates võib kõike juhtuda.
Well with 17 year old supertalent, I dont have so much chance to survive in this strong competition!
And I have only lvl 9 training grounds, so I rather sell some supertalents, at other teams they can develope more!
Anyway we are really happy about our first point!
Your team is maybe most unpredictable as there is many new players. With good luck they may reach to mid-table but as they are quite old mostly they may not last whole season. 3 teams should be stronger but others are quite close to each other.
Keegi on ikka väga optimistlik seda ründajat olen terve akna vaadanud, aga pole leidnud 25-aastast või nooremat, kes oleks minu omadest parem ja valmis kohe skoorima. 30-aastase võin ju saada, aga mis kasu temast on, kui hooaja lõpuks juba vananenud ning järgmiseks hooajaks uut vaja. Mingite Jacobsoni ja Nalatu tasemel ründajate eest tahavad kõik market valued või rohkematki.
I see that some teams are stronger than the others, I want to avoid relegation, than I can invest in younger players also, I signed 8 players 3 are 30 years old, the others between 24 and 28. Or in the mid-season I can look also, that I get player, I sold my supertalent Suurjärv, but without this I could not have any chance.
My training ground is also only 9 without personal, so I tought better for him also when he goes to a better team.
This league is very strong, and a big challenge for me
Kuna ennustamise lainel siis lööks siin ka asja lahti.
1. Pusa ei anna teistele väga palju sõna
2. Veenus on lihtsalt Veenus
3. Haapsalu võtab vist jõuga pronksi ära.
4. Anomaalia on mulluse tuumiku säilitanud ja seal on paar päris kõva meest
5. Lootus(etud) pidanuks juba mullu siin keskosas olema kui polnuks toda musta seeriat. Nüüd peab tulema.
6. Tartu noorendab kõvasti ja see teeb nad ebastabiilseks
7. Alkohoolikud ka noorendavad
8. Kosmos on rajalt pisut maas aga nii hulluks ei tohiks asi ikka minna kui mullu.
9. Defensor Sporting vajub ära lõpus vanurite arvelt kuid pigem jääb püsima. Hea õnne koral ehk mõni koht kõrgemalgi.
10. Guizhou Hengfeng ei kesta enam Torrese rasva arvelt ja tüüp ei tea ise mida ta teeb. Ei näe ühtegi olulist liigutust meeskonna parandamise suunas.
Its hard to predict the positions...
1. Pusa: FCP is clear the Number 1 team, would be a big surprise, if somebody else could be close to them.
2. Veenus: not strong enough to fight with Pusa for the title, but stronger than the concurrent teams under them.
3-4. Tartu and Anonüümsed: I think these teams will fight for the 3rd position. Anonüümsed will be one team, who will come upper after the last season, while some teams will finish in lower position. Tartu seems a bit stronger, but with some luck Anonüümsed is also able to finish as 3rd. Will be exciting.
5. Haapsalu: 3/3, in draws. They dropped already too much points, but still they will be close to the 3-4. teams, FCH will miss these points in the race, and thats why I give them the 5th position.
6. Lootusehud: they will come upper also, dont need to the afraid to finish at 9-10th place.
7-10. Guizhou, Kosmos, Anomaalia, Defensor Sporting: hard fight will be to avoid relegation, Guizhou (7.) will drop some positions since the last season, Kosmos (8.) started pretty well they can be also seventh, but Guizhou seems better. Anomaalia (9.) seems stronger than my team, but with some luck can come also better positions. Defensor Sporting (10.) will be the 10th, my team is not strong enough, I made what I could in this transfer season, its unpredictable, between 4 teams will be really hard, everything is possible!
I will use my rusty and lazy english because of our english speaking foregner in the league.
1. Pusa: Kuusk in your team makes you one of the best in Europe. Difference between you and Veenus is that you don´t give points away in "easy" games.
2. Veenus: Gives points to weaker ones, but still good enough to get 2nd place.
3. Haapsalu - Alger Vaalma is a monster foward who scores in each game. Easy to win atleast half games and spot in Europe.
4. Tartu and
5. Anonüümsed Alkohoolikud: Average top tier team in Estonia. Nothing special, but not too weak for top division. Weak keepers and lack of monsters in midfield or foward won´t allow to fight for top 3.
6. Guizhou: Most of the players in this team are in the best age, but still it lacks some managment. Sad to see that team fell out of Europe competition already. I think that most of the teams are able to get points from this team and because it is former Augur, most managers are very motivated against this team. Will be really hard season for this team.
7. Lootusetud: only 3 midfielders without DM and weakest attackers in league won´t allow to fight for europe spots. There are some good and bad series for your team, but there will be no consistency.
8. Anomaalia - One of the best defence in league with weak and shallow front line. This tea should get alot draws in league and with bit of luck can reach semi-final or final of cup.
9. Kosmos: Kosmos is a strong team, but they always seem to struggle in league. Although they got a new expensive striker, I think that this season is quite simillilar, because there is no real superstar in the team.
10. Defensor Sporting: New team with alot old players which makes second part of the season really difficult. But Defensor performed really strong in 2nd division last season and being a underdog might actually raise this team few places in the league. This team could steal points from almost every team in the league.
Anyway if you write estonian I use google translator :D
I needed fast solution, old players are not so expensive, in the mid season I plan also some transfers.
Currently is not useful to buy 18-21 year old players, my training ground only lvl 9 and personal also not that good.
I'm not satisfied about the last 2 games at all... Against both teams I was better, and I got only 2 points, especially against Guizhou where in the last 20 Mins I played against 10 players.
We look forward, it will be hard and exciting!
Eurohooaeg on küll jubedalt alanud kui kahel klubil kuuest on puhas null. Või saab Haapsalu veel Euroopa Liigas jätkata?
Nii see allakäik hakkab. Ühes mängus ei suuda skoorida vaatamata selgele ülekaalule, siis saab boti vastu easy tacklinguga pika vigastuse parim ründaja ning kui veab, saad taas viigi kätte "must win" mängust. Ning siis jõuad taas esinelikust vajuda tabeli viimaseks, et lõpus ehk kuidagi püsima jääda.
edit: seekord veel suure hädaga võideti napilt tänu vastaste omaväravale.